Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

3 Rules for Simple Healthy Cooking

Many people are trying to live healthier lives. They’re doing all the right things by making good food choices and getting in regular exercise. Making these conscientious decisions and sticking with them is the first and most important step. Not only is making the right food choices a big part of it, but also learning to cook in a more healthy manner is vital to your success as well. If you are not a big cook or have never really cooked in a concertedly healthy manner, it can be a true learning experience. With a few modifications and tips though, you can be cooking healthy in no time.

Cook with the Right Basis

While some may be inclined to cook in butter or even margarine, this not only offers no nutritional benefits but also packs on the pounds. Healthy cooking means learning to use the right foundation and this is undoubtedly olive oil. Though there many types of cooking oils out there, olive oil is the one that stands out from the crowd with the nutritional benefits it contains. Olive oil is a “good fat” which means it can contribute to a better picture of health by lowering elevated cholesterol and blood pressure levels. Starting with olive oil as a basis is an excellent start to cooking healthy.

Get Creative with the Right Ingredients

You can come up with some real masterpieces in the kitchen by using some colorful and fun ingredients. Learn to embrace vegetables that you’ve never used before, make it a priority to try something new every week. Adding in splashes of colorful peppers, beans, and other vegetables can make eating enjoyable and your dishes look quite appetizing. This will help you to gain confidence in the kitchen and learn to build up your healthy recipe portfolio each and every week.

Use Low Fat Substitutes for Old Favorites

If you are a lover of tacos but feel like you don’t know how to cook a healthier version, go for turkey tacos. Lower in fat but loaded with taste, you can enjoy some of your favorites such as this with this simple modification. If spaghetti and meatballs are a must in your kitchen but you aren’t sure how to make a healthier version, go for whole wheat pasta, a homemade tomato sauce, and turkey meatballs. You can make up your own version of this favorite using healthier substitutes for the main ingredients. The key to healthier eating is to get creative and have fun with the right ingredients.

It's not really hard to change your cooking ways to healthier ones. With just minor changes such as those discussed here, you can easily be eating healthier while still maintaining great taste.

This is a guest post presented by Mary Ward, who writes about various health care career topics, including how to choose among surgical technician courses.

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Senin, 10 Agustus 2009

Stuffed Eggplant & Potato - Bharela Ringan Bataka

Traditional recipes have a charm of their own, and though sometimes it can get hard to find some typical ingredients, there can also be some simple yet rustic and authentic recipes which leave an impression, even when using basic ingredients; one such Gujarati recipe is the Bharela Ringan Bateka nu Shaak, which means Stuffed Eggplant and Potato. It uses chinese eggplant and baby potatoes, both stuffed and smothered in tasty and spicy Masala, which renders the unique taste to this dish. Serve it with Rotis or Rotlas, and you are sure to enjoy this Stuffed eggplant recipe - the bst part, you can use the spicy filling for any other kind of vegetable too!

5-6 chinese eggplants (small) - slit into half till the base
5-6 baby potatoes - slit into half till the base
2-3 fresh garlic cloves - chopped
a pinch of asafoetida
1/4 tsp mustard seeds
1/2 tsp turmeric powder
1-2 tsp chili powder
1 tbsp dhania-jeeru powder
1 tbsp garam masala

For the Filling
1/2 cup besan flour
1 tbsp sesame seeds
1 tbsp ginger-green chilies paste
1/2 tbsp garlic paste
1 tsp amchur powder or lemon juice
salt, sugar - to taste
1 tbsp oil

Wash and cut the eggplants and potatoes into 2 halves. Make a Slit down the middle leaving some room at the end, so that you can stuff the filling inside the vegetables.

Mix all the ingredients listed in the filling together. Stuff each eggplant and potato with this mixture and set aside.

In a wide pan, heat some oil. Wait till it gets quite hot and add the mustard seeds, chilies, curry leaves and the garlic. Add the asafoetida after the garlic sizzles.

Place each eggplant in the pan and gently stir. Sprinkle around 2 tbsp of water on top and cover. Cook on medium heat until done, around 15-20 minutes. Do stir in between to make sure all the sides get cooked evenly. Garnish with chopped Cilantro leaves and serve hot.