Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

The Best Thing You're NOT Doing For Your Body

   For the most part, everyone knows that they should warm up before starting an exercise routine.  Maybe you already knew that but you just don't do it; maybe you just hop on the treadmill for 5 minutes and then go ahead and hit the heavy squats; or maybe you didn't know you were even supposed to warm up, in which case you can just fake like you did since you already read this far into the blog post.

   To me, warming up means that I'm priming my muscles to perform at their maximum potential.  Why would I want them to perform at any other level?  With that being said, if you jumped out of your seat right now and jogged in place for about 3-5 minutes, do you think you would be able lift heavy weights or play a pick up game of basketball at your body's maximum potential?

  Really?  You who has been sitting with terrible posture for the past 45 mins (at least). 

  Although performing a well thought out dynamic warm-up is probably the best way to warm up (and probably a good topic for a future post), you can do something much simpler (and shorter) in order to get your body primed and ready to work!

  Enter the foam roll.

  It doesn't look like much but spending 5 minutes or so with the foam roll can drastically improve your workouts and help you get the most from your muscles.  Think about how you probably feel right now hunched over your keyboard.   Your lower back and upper backprobably feel tight.  With that your hip is tight and probably feels like it's got a little knot in it.  How do we "iron out" these issuse fast and effectively?  It's called self myofascial release.

  Think deep tissue massage.  We are going to use the foam roll and roll over these tight, knotted up areas so our bodies can move effectively.  You see, not only do our muscles need to be flexible, or have enough length, to move well but the quality of our muscle tissue also has to be good.  How much better can you move your head around after someone gives you a nice neck/shoulder rub to work out the knots?  We're looking for the same results with other larger areas of our bodies.

  So for me, I always like to start a workout by foam rolling my lower body and lower to mid back.  Once I find a tender area, I make 5 long, sweeping rolls and then move to the next area.  You can see me go through my progression here

  Like all exercise's, using this method will feel better the more you do it.  So make foam rolling a consistant part of your warm up routine and start getting more from your body.  If you really love it, which I know you will, you can pick up one of these bad boy's for about $10 bucks and your local sporting goods store.

Kamis, 24 Maret 2011

Ideas To Make Your Mother's Day Extra-Special

mother's day ideas
Mother’s Day is a day for honoring and remembering Mom. Each year one day is set aside as a time to say thanks for all the great things Mom did in raising, loving, and even disciplining in order to instill values, morals, and love into the lives of children.

Mothering Sunday has become a tradition of cards and Mothers Day gifts. But shopping for a gift for a woman who has just about everything she may want or need is generally a chore. Of course, Moms say not to bother with a gift; just the presence of the children is gift enough. But, getting a gift is something children like to do as an expression of love and appreciation.

So, what is probably the best Mothers Day present? Chocolate, of course. There are not too many Moms who would not love to get a nice box of chocolates on her special day.

The nice thing about giving chocolates on Mother’s Day is that they come in such a wide variety. Getting one box with different kinds of chocolate is like giving a mystery. Some Moms like to pinch the bottom to try to determine what is in the center of the chocolates, and some like to take a bite and be surprised. Either way, chocolates are a fun gift.

Chocolate Gifts
The great thing about giving chocolates on Mothering Sunday is that they fit everyone’s budget. Whether spending a lot for designer chocolate, or giving a modest gift, there is something appropriate for Mom. If the budget is tight, try giving Mom an Easter bunny with her name written on it. It can be either a solid chocolate bunny or a hollow one, again depending on the budget.

Chocolate Easter eggs filled with coconut or crème, depending on Mom’s favorite, is a good gift. Some Easter eggs are decorated with pretty icing and a message can be written on them.

Get really fancy and give a chocolate flower and fruit basket. Then Mom can have her choice in eating healthy one moment and indulging the next.

Other Ways to Make This Day Special
There are several other ways to make this day special for your Mom. If you don't believe in giving gifts or lunches, take her out for her favorite activity, it could be a picnic, a play or movie, or even something as adventurous as Skydiving.

If she is the homely type who'd rather spend time with her family, then make yourself available for her. Cook for her, rent a movie and spend time with her, or arrange a tea party for her with her friends. Remember, if you know your mom well, you can surely come up with a plan that will make her feel special.

And last, but not the least, do not end your endeavors once Mother's day is gone, continue to keep her happy and make every day special for her, because a Mom is, after all, your best gift in the world!

Selasa, 22 Maret 2011

Best Summer Workouts Outside of the Gym!

More often than not, I wish I could lose weight without having to go to the gym, and though there's no magical way to do it, there are several activities that can easily act as effective summer workouts, and as you are mostly having fun while doing these, you don't even realize that its a workout! Whether you need to stretch those tired muscles, increase flexibility, or burn calories and seriously lose some weight, there are tonnes of summer workouts to choose from. And with the added benefit of doing these in fresh air, enjoying the summer heat, the trees and the mountains, and the sheer joy of being one with nature, you are more likely to attain better results than burning calories running on your treadmill at the gym!

Jogging is an excellent exercise for losing weight, because it consumes calories at a rapid rate. Combined with eating less, this guarantees an efficient weight loss. Plus, there's no special skill required; just get into your running shoes and choose a nice jogging-path along a trail or in a park and you won't even fell like you are exercising! Listening to an iPod would work too, but I find it better to observe birds and trees as I run, especially during my lapse around the lake. Running improves co-ordination between your muscles, and makes your leg-muscles wotk well. It also helps increase hear-rate, exercising the heart and the lungs at the same time. Those who run regularly are less likely to experience bone and muscle loss as they age, and it also helps lower your blood-pressure, as well as maintain elasticity of your arteries. But if you have aches and joint-pains, like knee-problems or weak ankles, make sure to consult a doctor before you start running, so as to prevent injuries. Also, invest in comfortable running shoes, and make sure to choose a proper running track and avoid bumpy, un-even ground to prevent physical damage.

Cycling (img credit) is a great fun summer activity that is especially enjoyable when done with kids. Biking is one of the most effective exercises to shed off those extra calories and exercise your legs, abs, thighs and butt. Even a small amount of cycling would be good enough to boost your metabolism level, thereby helping your weight loss program. It helps to improve the overall balance and coordination, minimizes the risk of coronary heart disease and helps in preventing health problems like strokes, diabetes and cancer. It also keeps your blood pressure under control, as well as build stamina and endurance. If you choose a bike path with elevation, you can be sure to burn some serious calories, and have muscular, well-toned legs! but in the least, its a great way to exercise without a lot of stress, especially if you choose to keep it light.

Rowing is a great aerobic exercise for total body workout, as it involves use of many muscles of the arms, legs, abdomen, and torso. Also, it has minimal stress effects on back and body, as opposed to running or cycling. Those who love water sports should definitely try to go rowing or kayaking in a nice lake or a bay. Of course, the more adventurous people seeking a real workout can go into the sea and try rowing against the waves, which will burn a large number of calories in a short amount of time. While Rowing, lean back from your hips while pushing back with your legs and torso. Bend your arms as you pull on the oars until your elbows pass behind your chest and the handles are an inch from your stomach, keeping your back straight the entire time. Kayaking is one of my favorite activities, especially during summer, as most of the camp-sites have lakes or inland bays that offer a great view and a great workout!

Taking short and scenic hikes in summer may be the best way to enjoy nature and increase fitness at the same time. Research has shown that Hiking or Trekking can stem heart disease, decrease hypertension by dilating blood vessels, decrease cholesterol levels while increasing HDL (the good cholesterol), decrease weight by burning calories, and prevent ageing of the immune system. Hiking also alleviates osteoporosis by improving bone density; If that's not enough reasons to hike, walking at a comfortable pace while taking in fresh air improves and maintains mental health by producing calming brain chemicals called endorphins, which basically act as mild tranquilizers. but more than that, you'll achieve a sense of satisfaction when you hike up to a mountain peak and look down below to see how much you came up, that is, after you've explored the breath-taking views from a mountain-top!

Outdoor Sports
Tennis and Volleyball are the two perfect outdoor sports for summer. Playing Tennis for an hour thrice a week can do wonders to your body, both physically and mentally. It builds flexibility, muscle co-ordination, agility, stamina and acts as a great aerobic and anaerobic activity. Studies have shown that competitive tennis burns more calories than aerobics, inline skating, jogging or cycling. Volleyball works great too, and is definitely more fun; even if you may not burn as many calories as with Tennis, its easier to hook up a net on the beach of in a shaded park and get some physical exercise alongwith loads of fun. Golf is another sports which can act as a nice workout, provided you don't use a golf cart throughout your 18 holes! It also makes the mind more alert and improves eye-sight and judgement.

Swimming/Water Aerobics
Swimming uses almost all of your major muscle groups, and it places a vigorous demand on your heart and lungs. The major advantage of swimming is that its an overall body exercise, and it boosts your metabolism. When your metabolic rate goes up, you burn more calories. And more calories burned means faster weight loss. Swimming is not as effective for weight-loss as running or cycling, because when you are in the pool you don't heat up and sweat as much as you do on land, and your body does not have to work hard to cool you down as much once the exercise session concludes. Also, you feel more hungry after a swim-session than after a gym-session, so you might tend to eat more. So the post-workout effect of swimming is lesser than that of other activities. neverthless, Swimming helps builds endurance, muscle strength and cardio-vascular fitness, without being harsh on your joints; lots of people have found swimming to be a form of meditation too when you just let your body relax and swim with a very low effort.

Its imperative to be conscious about keeping yourself fit, and though nothing can replace a complete workout at the gym, summer is a time when you can choose certain activities that other seasons do not offer, so make the best use of it! Choose physical activities that you enjoy and that are readily accessible. Remember, any kind of exercise gives maximum results when you enjoy doing it. Choosing to spend a few days outside rather than in your gym can be good for your mind, body and spirit, and you'll feel more refreshed and energised. I've done this myself, so I can vouch for it; now its your turn to try and see for yourself!

So whether you yearn to lose weight or just be fit, try the above summer workouts to augment your fitness routine at the gym, and experience the difference!

Related Articles:
What to Eat Before & After a Workout
How to Count Calories for Healthy Weight-Loss
10 Tips to Eat Right & Stay Fit

Jumat, 18 Maret 2011

Health and Wellness - Herbalife

I have been apart of a Health and Wellness team for the past few months now and my role on the team is training and consulting with clients to help them acheive their fitness goals.

We hold weight loss challenges, as well as muscle building challenges, every 8-12 weeks.  We coach the participants throughout the process and see dramatic results every challenge.We work in conjunction with Herbalife and use their supplement products in all of our training.  I definitely endorse their products and recommend them to anyone looking to lose weight, tone up or even put on muscle.

A few of the products I recommend and enjoy myself are the:  Cell Activator, the protein supplements (meal replacements and stand alone protein), Multi-Vitamin, the Tea Concentrate and definitely the Aloe Concentrate.

Check out the website and if you have any questions about any of the products or want a specific supplement plan worked out for you, feel free to call or e-mail me.


Have a good day!


Rabu, 16 Maret 2011

A Case for Legs, Part 3!

  It's finally here!  The much anticipated 3rd installment of " A Case for Legs" series is finally here for your viewing pleasure.  Visit our Youtube page for a video playlist of different squat and deadlift variations that you can add to your training program today! 
Along with each video is a written explaination on how to correctly perform each movement.   For a deadlift variation, see video's labeled pull through'sdumbell swingsingle leg romanian deadlift, and barbell deadlift.  For squat variations, see video's labled sit to standforward lungeball squatjump squats, and front barbell squat.

Also, take some time to view all our video's, as we have much more updated content that may or may not be of interest to you.

Let me know what you think of each exercise, or if you have some exercises you would like to share. 

Have fun!

Jumat, 11 Maret 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 3/11/11

Today is my birthday and I am fortunate to see another year.

But today I want to focus on a tragedy that happened last night in Japan.  I pretty sure that everyone knows what happened and the devastation that the earthquake and ensuing tsunami caused.  There were many lives lost and dreams cut short. 

Take time today to appreciate the little things in life, also family, friends and loved ones.  Life is too short and unexpected to live in frustration, hate and with malicious intent.  Today focus on love and take every breath that you breathe today with a thought of those that no longer are alive, and their families and loved ones.  I sure they never thought their last breaths would come so soon.

Take care this weekend.


Kamis, 10 Maret 2011

Sweet and Sour Potatoes with Mango

One of the most interesting and challenging part of cooking is experimenting with flavors and spices, just like the blend of flavors in this Vietnamese-style recipe for Sweet and Sour Potatoes with Mangoes! It was an effort to replicate what we enjoyed at our local Tofu House restaurant. The blend of spices with soy sauce, thai chillies, red pepper, semi-ripe mango and rice vinegar resulted into a winning sauce base for the baby potatoes to be simmered in. The addition of Mango in a curry isn't an idea many would relate to, but try this, and I promise you will love it!

1/2 cup soy sauce
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/4 cup rice vinegar (you can add more if you like the taste)
1/4 cup tomato puree
1-1/2 tbsp cornstarch
1/2 cup water (more to make the gravy)
1 tspn garlic powder
2 tsp freshly grated ginger
4 tbsp sweet chilli sauce (the red one)
1/2 tbsp Worcestershire sauce (optional)

The ingredients above yield about 2 cups of thick sweet and sour sauce

7-8 baby potatoes
1 small medium-rip mango(more green than yellow)
chopped scallions - for garnish


Sweet and Sour Sauce
Mix all ingredients for the sauce (except cornstarch and water) together and bring to a boil in a small pot. Mix together the cornstarch and water, add to the other ingredients and stir to thicken. You can add more vinegar or water till you achieve your desired consistency.

Boil the baby potatoes and dice them into 2 (or you can leave them whole). Prick them with a toothpick so they can be better flavored with the sauce. Chop the mangoes into thin slices and keep aside.

Now take a pan, add 2 tbsp vegetable oil, then saute the potatoes in it for some time. Then add the sweet and sour sauce, half of the mangoes and grated ginger, then cover with a lid and let it simmer for 8-10 minutes. Keep stirring in between.

Once cooked, check for flavor and consistency of the sauce; add water or seasonings if required. Chop some scallions for garnish.

Serve the Baby Potatoes cooked in Sweet and Sour Sauce with Steamed rice. Garnish with remaining chopped mangoes and green onions.

Inspiration of the Day - 3/10/11

I have spread my dreams beneath your feet. Tread softly because you tread on my dreams.
W.B. Yeats

Our dreams are our secret until we share them with another.  No one can know the mind of the next man unless it is God.  Often times when we do share our dreams other people may not understand and even go to the extreme of trampling all over them.  Dreams are a grand thing, and like we already discussed before, a thing with no limits or bounds.  So when presented to another person of limited thinking they often threaten, scare or annoy them, because they can not wrap there minds around that type of power you have have decided to embrace.  The point being, stand strong and never give up on your dreams no matter what anyone may say or anyone may do to hinder them.

Hold fast to dreams, for if dreams die, life is a broken winged bird that cannot fly.
Lanston Hughes

Hope and dreams are what empower us to live and strive and to achieve.  Believe it or not, a dream lies at the heart of every effort we put forth.  We see it in our minds before we ever take any action.  Some people call it "planning", but I like to recognize it on a much more potent scale and call it "dreaming".  I believe plans are limited in their scope and what they can accomplish, where as dreaming allows you unlimited opportunities within the area your are focusing on. 

Trust the dreams for hidden in them is the gate to eternity.
Kahlil Gibran

Hold fast to your dreams and know what others may think is impossible is possible.  The world as it is today is a living example.  Who would have thought 1,000 years ago that the light bulb, the automobile or sky scrappers or airplanes would exist?  Some may have dreamed of it at night, but awoke to let the dream die.  Others dreamed and tried and tried, but never made it happen, but never lost sight of their dreams and laid the ground work for those that came after them.  And now today those things exist and are a reality.

We live in a dream world...so recognize it for what it is!  Don't become jaded to the miracles that surround you every day!


Selasa, 08 Maret 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 3/8/11

So often times it happens that we live our lives in chains
And we never even know we have the key.
Lyrics from Already Gone, peformed by the Eagles for their 1974 On the Border album

You all have the key to making your dreams your reality.  And that key is your minds!  What you think and what you see when you view the world has a direct impact on the reality that you will live.  The key is to see things not as they are, but to view them as you would have them be.  And never lose that sight no matter what circumstances may arise.  Some call it operating in faith.  Others may call it living crazy...but the fact remains that every single person, in the history of this world, that has ever accomplished anything started out in faith, not knowing for certain the outcome of their venture.  They had a vision, a dream, and saw it clearly enough that they brought into existence/reality.

All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.T.E. Lawrence

There are three different types of dreamers.  Those that dream at night and awake to accept what they experienced at face value, and in the next hour forgot all that they had envisioned.  And you have those that dream at night and hold on to that vision and view the world through dream laden eyes, but do not act to make their vision a reality...the day dreamers.  Then you have those that dream, stubbornly hold onto that vision and work tirelessly to make it come to pass.  Which type of dreamer are you?
The Bible says that if you have the faith of a mustard seed, you could say to a mountain, "Be removed.", and that mountain would move.  So imagine if in your mind you have that type of power, what other potential lies dormant even on a much smaller scale.  Use you mind to envision your reality, not just what you can see in front of you. 
Make it happen.


The Ultimate Vegetarian Burger


Who doesn't like Burgers, right? And as the Labor Day BBQ's are right around the corner, I'm sure everyone is looking for a unique recipe to impress friends and family this coming weekend. If a Vegetarian Burger fits your menu, then you'll be happy to find this perfect low-fat veggie burger recipe which also stars a secret ingredient - Chocolate!! Yes, you heard it right, a burger recipe with chocolate in the mix?! You have got to try this out, whether you like vegetarian food or not! Check out this unusual yet healthy and delicious gourmet recipe for a sure fire way to wow your guests. [Photo courtesy of Janine via wikimedia]

This recipe comes from Hotel Chocolat, a luxury British chocolatier who specialize in fine cocoa chocolate, especially for Xmas, birthday gifts and corporate gift ideas. Besides being devoted to producing the finest chocolates, the company works hard to help improve the livelihoods of the cocoa farmers who supply the raw product. See their website for a wide range of chocolate inspired cuisine and quirky gourmet chocolate gift ideas.

This recipe approximately serves four people, and is easy to prepare in around forty minutes. Once you spice it up with some healthy veggies, alfalfa sprouts and your favorite seasonings sandwiched between slices of whole-wheat buns, I bet you'll become a bit of a vegetarian yourself!

1 Courgette
1/2 tsp Curry Powder
1/8 tsp Turmeric
100g Millet or Quinoa
2 tbsp Olive Oil
1 Onion - chopped
100g Hotel Chocolat Bitter Chocolate and Black Truffle Salsa
150g Pecan Nuts
50g Breadcrumbs
1 Egg Beaten
Salt - Pepper - to taste
3/4 pint of water

First grate the courgette into a pan filled with 1/4 pint of salt water for 10 minutes to allow the courgette to absorb some of the water. After 10 minutes, rinse in fresh water, pat dry, and place to one side.

Add the millet, curry powder and turmeric to 1/2 a pint of water, then bring to a boil and simmer for 30 minutes.

Fry the onion and the courgette in 1 tbsp of olive oil until golden. Add the Bitter Chocolate & Black Truffle Salsa and mix until the courgette and onion are evenly coated with the salsa. Take off the heat and place to one side.

Finely chop the pecan nuts and add to the cooked millet, then add the breadcrumbs, beaten egg, cooked courgette and onion, mix together and season to taste with salt and pepper. Take handfuls of the mixture to create your patties, using your hands or a round pastry cutter to create evenly sized burgers.

Heat a frying pan with 1tbsp of olive oil and carefully place each burger into the hot frying pan, allowing 3 minutes for each side or cook until golden brown. Alternatively, place the burgers on a BBQ grill and cook on both sides until grill marks appear.

Serve the burgers loaded with your favorite condiments and veggies - lettuce, tomatoes, onions, cucumber, pickles, alfalfa sprouts - whatever you fancy. Here's to a hale and hearty healthy vegetable burger that will lure veggie as well as meal lovers alike!

Related Recipes
Spicy Vegetarian Cutlets (Patties)
Veg Paneer Tikka with Mango Sauce
Grilled marinated Tofu Wraps

Senin, 07 Maret 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 3/7/11

Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.
Henry David Thoreau

We all have dreams and aspirations in life.  And we all have dreams when we fall asleep at night...some more than others.  There are different types of dreams and there are different types of dreamers.  What do we do with dreams?  What's the purpose of dreams?  What type of dreamer are you?  How do we make our dreams a reality? 

When we lie in bed at night often we think, "I wonder what kind of dream I am going to have tonight?" or "I wonder if I will have a dream tonight?".  Why is that?  Dreams give us answers to past situations, help in present ones and insight into the future.  A lot of times dreams do not make sense.  They come in bits and pieces and often there is no congruency.  But the message is there.  Sometimes it's more clear then others.  But we want to dream to attain the illusive answers, to gain clarity to life and to be ready for the future so that we may enter into it confidently.  The key is to pay attention and learn to decipher the message hidden within.  We will talk more about that later.

Dreams also inspire and bring out our hidden desires.  We may have a dream that motivates us to change our lives completely or take on a task that may seem impossible, but because we have seen it, it is real and attainable.  We want to make those dreams into reality!  Not the ones where we are falling from a 1000 story building!  But the ones where we see our future selves successful, happy, maybe with a family, owning our own business, starting a charity to help others.  It may be something you may have never even thought of before or even imagined.  The possibilities are limitless!

Often times we put a limit on life and what we think we can do or accomplish...if only we knew better!  Dreams break down the barrier and let us know there are no limits!  In life anything is possible and any goal is attainable!

Every great dream begins with a dreamer. Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.
Harriet Tubman

You have the key to that power within you!  Tomorrow we will talk about what that key is to unlocking the door between reality and our dreams.


Jumat, 04 Maret 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 3/4/11

All men dream but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity; but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes to make it possible.T.E. Lawrence

Today is Friday, so I can not start a new topic of discussion for the week at the end of the week!  But I am so inspired and eager to write about next weeks topic that I want to leave you with a piece of what we will be talking about.  Dreams...

...There are different types of dreams and there are different types of dreamers.  What do we do with dreams?  What type of dreamer are you?  How do we make our dreams a reality?...

More next week!  Have a good weekend!


Types of life insurance

Find the Right Type of Policy

Once you've got an estimate of how much insurance you'll need, it's time to think about the type of policy that best fits your needs. Today life insurance comes in many varieties, but there are four basic types term, whole life, universal life, and variable life. As a first-time buyer, one will more than likely fit your needs.
Term Life Insurance
As its name implies, term insurance provides life insurance protection for a specific period of years. Benefits can be used to help pay off mortgages and other outstanding debts in the event of a premature death. Generally the least expensive form of life insurance, term provides pure insurance protection only. It does not accumulate cash value, and generally does not receive dividends.
Term may be an ideal choice when you need life insurance coverage for a well-defined period of time. It can be used to protect needs that last for a predictable period, such as a student loan or mortgage. People in their 20s and 30s often purchase a term policy and later convert it to a permanent plan (see Whole Life, below). The conversion privilege in their term policies guarantees their insurability at a later date-even if they become uninsurable.
New York Life Insurance Company makes a variety of term policies available, including five-, ten-, and 20-year policies.
Whole Life
In contrast to term insurance, whole life, also known as permanent insurance, protects you throughout your lifetime, from the day you purchase the policy until you die, as long as you pay the premiums. Another difference between the two is that permanent insurance builds cash value. Through policy loans, you can access the cash values and use them for a host of purposes such as education funding and supplemental retirement income. However, policy loans against the cash value accrue interest and reduce the death benefit and the cash value by the amount of the outstanding loan plus interest. Guaranteed for life, your policy will be renewed every year, regardless of your health for as long as you live, again, as long as required premiums are paid.
Permanent policies are also eligible to receive dividends, a portion of the company's surplus that is distributed to the owners of participating policies. (Dividends can be taken in cash, used to reduce the premium, left to accumulate at interest, or used to purchase paid-up additional insurance. Dividends are not guaranteed.) Whole life can provide a permanent solution to several financial concerns including:
  • Mortgage protection: Benefits can be used to help pay off mortgages and other outstanding debts in the event of a premature death.
  • Estate preservation: Whole life insurance can provide funds to cover estate expenses and help avoid the need to sell assets and or borrow money to cover these expenses.
  • Retirement funding: If the need for death benefit protection has decreased, cash values can be accessed through policy loans or surrenders to supplement a retirement income. Loans will reduce the death benefit.
  • Charitable giving: A whole life insurance policy can enable you to make a significant donation to your favorite charity upon your death.
  • Business needs: Whole life can be an attractive executive and employee benefit and a means to assure a business's financial future.
New York Life Insurance Company offers many permanent life insurance policies, including Modified Premium Whole Life, and Survivorship Whole Life.
Universal Life
Universal life also provides permanent life insurance protection and access to cash values that grow tax-deferred. Universal Life differs from whole life in its flexibility that enables you to choose the amount of protection that best suits your family or business. With Universal Life, you can increase or decrease your coverage, as your insurance needs change and control the amount and frequency of premium payments. The policy can also be customized with various riders to fit your lifestyle. Universal Life policies are issued by New York Life Insurance and Annuity Corporation.  (NYLIAC)(a Delaware Corporation), a wholly-owned subsidiary of New York Life Insurance Company.
Variable Universal Life*
Variable Universal Life insurance is a type of flexible premium, permanent life insurance policy that allows the policy owners to have premium dollars allocated to a variety of investment options, including a fixed account backed by the assets in the general account of NYLIAC. Variable Universal Life Insurance generally provides a federal income tax-free death benefit, and is accessible through policy loans and/or withdrawals. Note, all guarantees, including death benefit payments are dependent on the claims-paying ability of NYLIAC and do not apply to the investment performance or the safety of the underlying Investment Divisions on the variable universal life policies. Also, loans against the cash value and withdrawals may reduce death benefit and the cash value. If the policy is designated as a Modified Endowment Contract, withdrawals taken prior to age 59 1/2 may be subject to a 10% IRS penalty tax and surrender changes may apply. Additional taxes may apply to policies designated as a modified endowment. The product prospectus contains more information.
There are risks associated with investing in variable universal life insurance policies. Please be aware that assets allocated to the Investment Divisions are subject to market risks and will fluctuate in value. Please be aware there are fees and charges associated with these policies. Variable universal life insurance policies are sold by prospectus only through properly licensed Registered Representatives. To obtain a copy of the product and fund prospectuses for a VUL policy that may be right for you, please contact your NYLIFE Securities LLC Registered Representative or call 1-800-598-2019. Investors are asked to consider the investment objectives, risks, charges and expenses of the investment carefully before investing. Both the product and the underlying fund prospectuses contain this and other information about the product and underlying investment options. Please read the
prospectuses carefully before investing.

Determine the Amount of Coverage You Need in life insurance

  Determine the Amount of Coverage You NeedThe amount of money your family or heirs will receive after your death is called a death benefit. To determine the proper amount of life insurance an online calculator, like the one available at this site, can be helpful. You can also get a ballpark figure using any number of formulas. The easiest way is to simply take your annual salary and multiply by 8. A more detailed method is to add up the monthly expense your family will incur after your death. Remember to include the one-time expenses at death and the ongoing expenses such as a mortgage or school bills. Take the ongoing expenses and divide by .07.That indicates you'll want a lump sum of money earning approximately 7% each year to pay those ongoing expenses. Add to that amount any money you'll need to cover one-time expenses and you'll have a rough estimate of the amount of life insurance you need.
As useful as calculators and rough estimates are, there are some things they don't do.
They cannot provide you with any final answers. Calculators only allow you to perform "hypotheticals," recalculating and generating new results as you make and input new assumptions. Using these tools and educating yourself on the workings of life insurance and other financial products, however, can help you feel more comfortable when discussing your needs with such professionals as a New York Life agent

Understand Why You Need life insurance

Looking to buy life insurance for the first time? If so, you're probably asking yourself questions such as "How much do I need?", "What kind of policy is best?" and "Which company should I buy from?" There's no question buying life insurance for the first time, like any other new experience, can be more than a bit daunting. Below are six important tips that we hope will make the process smoother, eliminating frustrating false starts and unnecessary bumps in the road.

Understand Why You Need It
While most people may need life insurance at some point in their life, don't buy a policy just because you heard it was a good idea. Life insurance is designed to provide families with financial security in the event of the death of a spouse or parent. Life insurance protection can help pay for mortgages, a college education, help to fund retirement, provide charitable bequests and of course is a key element in estate planning. In short, if others depend on your income for support, you should strongly consider life insurance. Even if you don't have any of these needs immediately, you still may want to consider purchasing a small "starter" policy, if you anticipate you will have them in the future. The reason: the younger you are, the less expensive life insurance will be

Top 5 Ways to Lower Your Risk of Heart Disease

Following a few simple rules as laid out in our Healthy Heart Diet section can significantly decrease your chances of developing heart disease. A brief summary follows:

A. Limit intake of trans fats and hydrogenated oils found in margarine, fast food, fried food, etc.

B. Limit refined sugar intake from cakes, cookies, candy, etc.

C. Use extra virgin olive oil and garlic in cooking - they can lower cholesterol

D. Add Omega 3 Fatty Acids to your diet - the best source is Fish Oil

Developing a steady exercise program as described in our Exercise for Healthy Heart section can also lower your risk of heart disease. A few quick tips:

A. Try to exercise 3-4 times per week, for at least a half hour at a time.

B. Keep your routine going, and start off slow.

C. Always stretch before and after training.

D. Keep yourself hydrated and rest between sets.

In addition to following a healthy diet and exercise regimen, you should also try to do the following:

A. Stop smoking and avoid second hand smoke - both are major causes of heart disease.

B. Limit your intake of alcohol - excessive alcohol can deplete your body's supply of vitamins and other nutrients.

C. Try to reduce stress and anxiety - they can lead to high blood pressure and other health conditions.

D. Keep your weight within recommended limits - obesity is a leading cause of heart disease.

Make sure you get tested for increased cholesterol, triglycerides(fat), homocysteine and C Reactive Protein levels, and follow the protocols if any one of these indicators is elevated:

A. If your cholesterol is high, you can lower cholesterol naturally with policosanol, guggulipid and other herbal extracts as well as Fish Oil. Remember, only 20% of your cholesterol comes from what you eat, the other 80% is manufactured by your liver. Read more about lowering cholesterol .

B. If your triglyceride (fat) levels are too high, lower your carbohydrate and sugar intake. Also, fish oil, Vitamin C, guggulipid and green tea are safe natural ways to lower triglyceride levels. Read more about lowering triglycerides .

C. If your homocysteine levels are high, you can easily normalize the situation by including B Vitamins in your diet, particularly Folic Acid, Vitamin B6 and Vitamin B12. Read more about lowering homocysteine .

D. If your C Reactive Protein levels are high, this indicates inflammation in the blood. Fish oil, ginger and MSM will help decrease inflammation naturally. Read more about lowering C Reactive Protein .

Introduction to healthy heart guide

Why do you need to keep a healthy heart?
Heart disease is the #1 cause of death in men and women, greater than the next five causes of death combined!

According to the latest estimates by the American Heart Association, over 64 million Americans have one or more forms of cardiovascular disease (CVD).

Fortunately, there are ways to significantly lower your chances of developing heart disease and reverse the effects of a current heart condition you may or may not be aware of. Lower cholesterol, triglycerides, homocysteine and CRP levels are a start to promoting healthy hearts.

At Healthy Heart Guide, our mission is to educate you about taking care of your heart, as well as the rest of your body. With a few lifestyle changes along with a heart healthy diet and exercise regimen, you can maintain a healthy heart for life!
You can do a lot to influence your risk of heart disease, and it's never too late to start promoting a healthy heart.

Learn about the four leading indicators of heart disease, and how you can lower your blood levels of all of them.

Also, learn about how a heart healthy diet and exercise can significantly reduce your chances of a heart-related condition.

Finally, find out about specific nutrients that can strengthen your heart and promote cardiovascular health, how to lower cholesterol, lower triglycerides, reducing homocysteine and other healthy heart techniques.

Kamis, 03 Maret 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 3/3/11

By associating with wise people you will become wise yourself.

Success breeds success.  I know you have heard that saying before.  And if you want to be successful, hang around successful people.  It's a proven method, not just a saying.  The people we choose to surround ourselves with have a direct affect on how we act and how we are looked upon.  Nobody really cares what anyone else thinks about them...we are not insecure...but when it comes to how someone important is viewing you, who you are surrounded by at the time they are paying attention to you has all the weight in the world.  You never know who is watching you and what opportunities are just a step away just from a person of influence being impressed by the way you conduct yourself.

Not only that, but the people you choose to surround yourself with will have an impact on the way you think and view life.  Their attitudes and habits WILL rub on you sooner or later.  There is fighting it.  We are social creatures that adapt to our surroundings.  That's why we've survived as a human race for thousands of years...we adapt well.  Hang around negative attitudes too much and pretty soon you will have one.  Stay around positive people and you'll find yourself at ease, drama free.  Try it and see what happens.  You'll feel the difference.  Moving from a negative to positive environment is like lifting a 1000 lb. weight off of your shoulders. 

Have a good day!


5 Habits of Succesful Gym Go-ers

  Fact is, all gym go-ers are not alike.  There are reasons why some people reach (and surpass) their goals, while others don't.  Sure, I could ramble on and on about what exercises you should be doing, how many reps and sets, what recovery drink you should consume after your workout, how much cardio you should be doing, and so on.  Instead I have listed 5 of the most important habits, in my opinion, succesful gym members should posses if you hope to better your body and your overall health.

So here we go!

Habit # 1:  A well written exercise program/routine.

   What happens when you go to the grocery store without a list?  You end up buying a lot of crap you don't need right?  I'm sure the family sized tub of Haagen Dazs really was a steal.

   People that go to the gym without planning what exercises they are going to do that day are wasting their time.  You can normally spot these people huddled around a television set, circling around the gym floor, or doing 18 sets of bicep curls.  To be able to improve your body, you MUST have a routine that addresses your goals and weaknesses.  You should also be carrying this program around with you and writing down the weights you used, how many reps and sets you completed, and how much rest you had inbetween each completed set.  The really good exerciser will not only keep track of these numbers, but will try and improve these numbers each time they workout. 

Habit # 2:  No Ego!

   So what if that guy at the squat rack is deadlifting 305lbs; or that woman has been running on the treadmill for the past half hour at a speed of 11mph at a 4% incline.  What others are doing do not effect how your training session will go.  You have your own goals and your own limitations to worry about.  There's no need to feel intimidated or feel like others are watching you with a high resolution magnifiying glass.  When I work out I'm on a mission, and I have no time to worry about anything or anybody but myself.

Habit #3:  In it for the Long Haul!

  Training to improve your body and health should be a lifelong commitment.  Rome wasn't built in a day.  Some days you have it and some days you don't.  The best thing to think about after one of those less than average trainning days is that the next training day is right around the corner.  Hang your hat on the fact that you always have another chance at improving.  Those who get discouraged and quit never realize the fact that keeping a healthy lifestyle is a LIFE LONG choice, not just a repetitive New Year's resolution.

Habit #4:  Lift Heavy Things

  The overload principle states that a greater than normal stress or load on the body is required for training adaptation to take place. So if you're twirling around a little pink dumbell and barely breaking a sweat, you're not doing yourself any good.  You must challenge your body in way that forces it to adapt.  So if you're lifting weights, make sure they are heavy enough to challenge you!  You may not be able to complete the last 2 reps on your final set but that's the point.  Keep trying until you can finish that final set, then pick up some heavier weights.

Habit #5:  Listen to Your Body

   The great ones always have this in mind.  As you improve your body, you will become more aware of what you're capable of and what your not.  You aren't in high school anymore, so why are you still trying to perform your high school football lifting regimine?  If your lower back hurts, why are you trying to do back squats?  The phrase "No pain, No gain" should not be your mantra.  If your back hurts, try dumbell lunges instead of your usual back squat.  If your shoulder hurts, don't try and power through some shoulder presses.  Maybe take some time on mobility and flexibility instead.  You're not going to lose ground if you can't complete your program exactly they way it's written everyday.  You should be prepared with alternative exercises or ideas to get you through these roadblocks.

And there you have it!  Let me know what you think of these habits, or if you have any that you think I missed.  But I want to challenege you to honestly ask yourself how many of these qualities you actually possess; and when do you think your going to start to try and develop these habit?