Kamis, 10 Januari 2008

Veg Pizza on a Pita with Cilantro Hummus - A Quick-Fix Meal

It's been raining heavily in California since 2 weeks now, and people are already praying that it stops over the weekend. But frankly, though I detest driving to work in this rain and not having a chance to go out during weekend because it is pouring out there, it is good that we received all this rain because it was badly needed! Now you know what rain does to your tastebuds, right? You are suddenly attacked by a bout of those "Give me something hot and tasty now" food cravings, and that is precisely what we felt 2 days ago. But it was late when we got home from work, and though I wanted something tasty, I was in no mood for an elaborate meal. I saw a packet of pita bread and some hummus in my fridge. So did I make pita?? Nope, I decided to go for the Pizza version of the Pita. I had some Pizza Sauce on hand, and I modified the hummus by adding some cilantro and green chillies to add some kick, then we layered the vegggies, sauce, hummus and cheese on the pita breads and tossed them into the oven for a luscious quick-fix meal! Believe me Pizza on a Pita is surely a healthy yet tasty alternative to a pizza craving!

3 Pita Breads
3 tbsp Pizza Sauce (any brand is fine)
3 tbsp regular plain Hummus
1/4th cup fresh cilantro
4-5 green chillies or jalapeno
veggies of your choice (I used onion, capsicum, olives and jalapeno)
some corn for topping
shredded mozarella cheese
ground black pepper

Take the hummus, cilantro and jalapenos and blend them in a mixer to make a smooth paste. That's how you make your Cilantro-Hummus spread .

Now mix the cilantro hummus and pizza sauce and layer it evenly on the pita bread. Top it with all vegetables of your choice like onions, capsicum, mushrooms, olives, more jalapenos, tomatoes, and some corn kernels. Finally spread the shressed cheese onto it and bake it in the oven for 15 mins, or until the veggies are cooked and cheese has melted.

Enjoy while it's hot! This is a great easy-to-make meal, and also good use for some leftover pita bread!

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