Selasa, 10 Mei 2011

Exercises for Runners

  With the Delaware Marathon coming up this weekend here in Wilmington, I thought it would only be appropriate to dedicate a post strictly for you endurance athlete's.  And to be quite honest, this post will also help out you everyday gym goers who think running or the stair climber is a good way to work out your legs. 

  Just because you're moving your legs does not necessarily mean your giving them a good workout.  And it definitely doesn't mean that your necessarily building muscle either.  In my experience, endurance athletes have the absolute worst quad and hamstring strength; and don't even get me started on their glute and core strength.  I mean some people I see running look so weak it causes me pain to watch them run.

  You've probably seen it yourself.  Hunched over posture, hips bobbing up and down, and mile after mile of slamming heels into the ground.  Yes you may be able to run 26 miles, but you don't look healthy or strong to me. 

  It's not your fault, you've just been misinformed.  Lifting weights will not make you so bulky that it would impair your running capabilities, nor will it decrease your cardiovascular fitness you've worked so hard to build up.  In reality, strengthening your glutes, quads, hamstring, and core will actually improve your running quality and prevent injury.  Don't believe me?  Check out THIS study, and while your at it, check THIS ONE out too.

  To start, we'll put together a short routine that you can perform up to 3 times a week to being to strengthen those hips, legs and core.  You should perform these exercises right after the other, at 12 reps per exercise.  When you've completed all of them, rest and repeat for an additional 3 sets.  The exercises are:

                     1. Forward Lunge (each leg) 4x12
                     2.  1 Leg RDL  (each leg)    4x12

                     3. Step Ups on Bench (each leg) 4x12

                     4. Bridge     4x12

                     5.  Plank  4x 30sec holds

   Give these exercises a try and I promise you sill start to feel a heck of a lot stronger while you run.  And if you happen to be by the Wilmington Riverfront this Saturday, Plexus Fitness will have a booth setup where this weekends marathoner's will be checking in; and we will be giving out information on gym membership and personal training, as well as auctioning off a brand new Ipod Shuffle! 

Hope to see you all this weekend!

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