Senin, 23 Juli 2007

Veg Grilled Pesto Burgers

Hey folks, me and my husband both love italian food. It's a great cuisine with simple spices, delicate flavours, and an amazing use of herbs. So, inspired by our indian tradition and lovely italian spices, we tried to create something new at this awesome barbecue event we had at a friend's place. None of us are pros, and most of us were new to this unique experience of cooking and eating grilled food... we were all so excited, and let me tell you, the end product was also no less!! The indian-italian fusion was an instant hit with elders and kids alike....lo and behold, as I share my grilled veg burger recipe with you which is sure to scintillate your taste buds.

4 Round burger Buns
1/2 slab of Paneer (cottage cheese)
2 large potatoes - boiled and mashed
1 carrot - boiled and mashed
1/2 cup peas - boiled and mashed
3 large tbsp bread crumbs
salt-pepper, red chilly powder, lemon juice - to taste
1 cup Pesto sauce, (recipe below)
1/2 cup Tangy Tomato sauce (recipe below)
4 cheese slices
Lettuce, tomato, avocado(optional), parmesan cheese for the burgers

Pesto Sauce: Take 2 cups of fresh basil leaves. Add them to a mixer, add some salt, black pepper powder, fresh garlic cloves(3-4 buds) and a tiny splash of lemon juice(optional). Also add 1 cup fresh parmesan cheese. Now keep adding a tbsp of pure olive oil slowly while blending the mixture. When its half crushed, add some pine nuts to it, and blend again to form a thick yet spreadable pesto paste. keep adding EVOO as required.

Tangy Tomato Sauce: Take 2 huge tbsp tomato puree, add a small tsp vinaigrette dressing to it, a pinch of salt, 1 tsp sugar, black pepper powder, and parmesan cheese.

Patties: Boil all the veggies, mash them and mix them with the grated paneer. Add salt, black pepper, red chilly powder and lemon juice to this mixture according to your taste. Now add some breadcrumbs or all-purpose flour to bind the mixture. Form well-shaped patties with it.

Start your grill and let the coals burn thoroughly. Now take the patties and grill them on both sides till smoky flavour emanates. Spread the pesto and tomato sauce on 2 sides of a bun, put the cheese slice on it and grill the bun till cheese melts. Add the patty on top of it, with lettuce, tomato and avocado and savour the succulent indo-italian grilled burgers!! Who says veggie bbq can't be fun!!!

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