Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

The Biggest Loser. Jillian Michaels

She's one of the country's leading health and wellness experts, a best-selling author, and the star of NBC's The Biggest Loser. Jillian Michaels even has a new fat-fighting video game for the Wii. If she can't get you pumped up to get ripped, no one can. We asked her how to overcome four of the most common willpower busters

I don't have any support from friends and family. I'm doing this on my own.
One of my favorite quotes says it all: We can tolerate any 'how' if we have a 'why.' In other words, identify all the reasons you want to lose weight to begin with. Write them down. Post them everywhere you can. Meditate on them first thing in the morning and at night when you go to sleep. Motivation always comes from within—bring it out!
I keep slipping up.
Failure is a pain in the ass because it's unavoidable. Many tend to see failure as a validation of their deepest, darkest insecurities. It can throw us into depression and erode our confidence and self-esteem. The trick is to recognize failure as an entry point for learning and an integral component of growth—and not make the same mistake twice.
I have good intentions—but at the end of the day, I'm tired and just want to go home and relax.
I've been here. Many times. It's easy to settle into a relationship or a routine and stop taking care of your needs. Remember that you have to make time to take care of yourself. Try to get your workout in during your lunch hour or in the morning before work. Get a piece of home cardio equipment and exercise while you catch up on your favorite TV show. Or, clear all the crap snack foods out of your cupboard. You can't eat what's not there.
I have trouble reaching my goals.
Always write them down. This keeps them real. And make them realistic so you don't get discouraged. Goals should be easily definable so you can gauge and monitor your progress. If you have setbacks, remember that they're par for the course. Expect them. Learn from them. Then move on.

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