Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

Carrot Diet

Carrot-dietThis diet is extremely hard. The reason – you can not eat, except carrots, almost nothing. Although, in a good happy thought that the “rabbit food” normalizes metabolic processes in the body and cleans. We all know that those properties, which has carrots, and are the first step to losing weight, so it makes sense to wait 4 days, sitting on a carrot diet.
Carrots contain fats (in small quantities), carbohydrates (10%), nitrogenous substances, B vitamins, as well as vitamins A, D, E, K, PP, ascorbic acid, sterols and lecithin. In terms of carotene carrot is second only to pepper. Because of this saturation of beta-carotene, carrot is an excellent immunomodulator. With the help of liver enzymes, carotene is converted in our body into vitamin A – excellent antioxidant. Thanks to this vitamin, the body stops the formation of free radicals, and therefore, carrot protects us from diseases of the cardiovascular system, cancer, atherosclerosis, cataracts. Carrot promotes physical and mental growth, improves vision. Due to the fact that carrots contain a large amount of iodine and fiber, it helps combat the extra pounds.
If you decide to experience the carrot diet, then at lunch, and dinner you will have the carrot. This may insanely annoying for those 4 days, which should be observed in the carrot diet, but the reward for you will lose 3-4 kilos.
Carrot diet itself lasts for 3 days, and on Day 4 – way out of the diet.
Before use, carrots should be thoroughly cleaned and cleaned, with a knife to cut the top “glossy” layer. The most valuable substance in carrots contained directly under the “gloss” layer, therefore, the thinner will peel, the more vitamins you save in carrots. With baby carrots skin is not removed completely, and only carefully washed root vegetable with a brush.
Many nutritionists say that the carrot is better to use, without subjecting it to thermal treatment, as it loses not only the taste, but most of the vitamins.
So, the carrot diet. We repeat that the duration of this diet – 3 days and 4 day – way out.
During the diet we eat 3-4 times a day salad of carrots, which are preparing the following recipe:
1-2 carrots three on a coarse grater, add lemon juice, a little vegetable oil, a little honey (total daily rate of honey should not exceed 1 tablespoon), a choice of 1 fruit (kiwi, apple, grapefruit, pomegranate or orange).
This amount of food eat in a salad for 1 time (except for honey). Number of carrots – without any restrictions. In the morning you can drink half a glass of kefir or milk, or eat a spoonful of sour cream. This is due to the fact that without the fat carrots are very poorly absorbed. If you’re tired of salad, then instead of it in the evening you can drink carrot or fruit juice.
During the day to drink water or green tea (total amount of fluid – at least 2 liters).
Leaving the carrot diet lasts 1 day. On that day, you eat the same thing as during the diet, adding the potatoes to the diet of 1-2 and a little meat.
Then, a couple of days to limit yourself in fatty and sweet foods.
Enjoy your weight loss!

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