Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

The fastest diet for a week

Thus, the main thrust of this dietary program – fast and effective weight loss for the shortest possible time. Attention! Through it you will not only can not be harmful to health, but you will strengthen it. This diet is therapeutic.
The period during which you may will follow the diet – 7 days. Ration thought in details, in accordance with a separate feed. Please do not deviate from the course – eat precisely those foods that will be listed in the menu diet.
Healthy eating this is success of any diet!
If you change proposed in the diet foods for meals with similar caloric content, then surely the energy value of foods you can not add, but the balance of vitamins and minerals break. Once again, this diet is so fast “burns fat” solely through compliance with proper nutrition, selected European professional nutritionists. Own bike does not invent, please! Well, are you ready? Then the battle!


BREAKFAST: 50 g of boiled fish, unlimited lettuce leaves, sprinkle a little olive oil, a glass of low fat yogurt.
LUNCH: 1 boiled egg, 2 slices of bread (preferably wholemeal). 90 grams of lean turkey (or chicken).
BREAKFAST: Unlimited celery, 80 g of cooked beef meat, 1 small boiled potato, 1 large boiled carrots, a cup of green tea.
LUNCH: glass of yogurt, 50 g of low-fat cottage cheese with no sugar. Or 1 cup of bran bowl of oatmeal. 5 figs.
BREAKFAST: 200-250 ml unsalted chicken broth. 3 small loaves of bread or 1 slice of white bread, 50 g of boiled chicken.
LUNCH: 2 slices of rye bread, 50 grams of veal, spinach in unlimited quantities, 1 apple and 1 orange.
BREAKFAST: 1dish of buckwheat (2 / 3 of plates), steamed in water, a cup of nonfat yogurt. Salad of fresh tomatoes without salt supplemented with 1 tablespoons of vegetable oil (preferably olive first cold pressed).
LUNCH: a plate of rice, fruit juice, 30 g of low-fat cottage cheese without cream and sugar. 60 g of dried prunes, 1 grapefruit, 1 kiwi fruit.
BREAKFAST: 60 g of cooked meat, preferably beef, 1 egg, a cucumber salad and 2 bell peppers (can be eaten separately).
LUNCH: 50 g cooked chicken (breast), a plate of boiled green beans or 1 boiled potato in skins. 1 apple, 1 orange, 2 walnuts and 3 pieces of dried apricots.
BREAKFAST: 100 ml of fish broth, 50 g of boiled fish (low fat, preferably red), 3 tbsp. tablespoons of peas (can be canned, but better – cooked), 1 piece of rye bread. A cup of green tea with honey.
LUNCH: a dish of brown rice or half a dish of white. 5 leaves of green salad + 1 tomato with 1 tablespoon of lemon juice and a teaspoon of sesame seeds, a glass of skim milk, 1 kiwi, 1 banana.
BREAKFAST: 60 g of ham, turkey, a dish of buckwheat, 2 bell peppers. 2 teaspoons cheese, a cup of black tea with 1 teaspoon of honey, a small handful of raisins.
LUNCH: steamed lentils – half plates, 70 g of boiled beef, 1 cup of nonfat yogurt, a sprig of blue grapes. A handful of almonds or pine nuts.
At the time of passage you diet advice to forget about the overly intense exercise, it is better to replace a light exercise, such as race walking. It is necessary to eliminate the salt, sugar and alcohol. Vegetables and fruit can be eaten more than indicated in the diet, until you feel saturated. But the fruit, again, to get involved do not recommend – do not stretch the stomach wall itself of excess food, even if it is the most-most valuable fruits or vegetables. Remember that your stomach – it’s pouch, consisting of muscle, and excess food can increase it in size. A man with a large volume of the stomach needs to eat more frequently than any other. And another important point – the fruits and vegetables listed in the menu, try, if possible, use either one hour before meals or one hour after eating. This is important! Used the fruits or vegetables directly after a meal you only hurt yourself. In this case, the fruits are not digested, and hitting a full stomach will stay there for a long time, having time to turn sour (rot) and lose most of the vitamins and minerals, but not digested. These same rotten fruit will fall further in your intestines, where it is likely to cause fermentation. But these processes is fraught with you unpleasant intestinal disorders.
Diet without sugar, flour and alcohol!
With exact following a diet for a week you should get rid of 10-20 kg.
Another advantage of the fact that you do not want to eat. In this case, there is no depression or depressed mood. And with all this is a super-fast diet! Every time I lose weight by at least 5 kg after a week’s course. A friend, still at school, enjoyed it once in a month and she looks as if from birth sitting on a separate feed. In general, I recommend the most effective diet. At least at the level of “good diet” it takes one of the first places.


5 bonuses this diet:
Raising the tone of the whole organism (cleansing of vessels, improvement of digestive system, proper metabolism).
Effective result in getting rid of the subcutaneous adipose tissue (fat) along the lines of the abdomen, thighs.
Active vitamin saturation (will be especially useful to those who have brittle nails, problems with acne, dull hair – all this is 90% dependent on the supply of vitamins the body).
Proper nutrition. After sitting for literally a week on this diet, you train yourself to a healthy and beneficial food.

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