Selasa, 19 Juli 2011

How to take care of your eyes

Men can lie but the eyes never! It shows the real hidden feelings deep inside the heart. Look straight into the person eye and you can get to know them. To look straight into a person’s eye and to have a conversation we need extra courage without which it is not possible to look into a person’s eye . As eyes are powerful,
it conveys the message even without a word. Silence speaks the feeling love, anger, wittiness, sadness etc of our loved ones. Hey is this what “ Silence speaks more than words”. Eyes are the best friends who can let out your feeling and roll down in silence and makes us feel better. It doesn’t end with us, by donating it we can lighten up a person’s life and see through them. So it is a must for all of us to take care of our precious eyes.

Do your eyes feel tired at the end of the day? Yeah in this competitive world we need to stretch oneself to excel in our career and so at times we skip even our sleep, this strains our eyes and make us feel tired. So learn simple ways keep your eyes healthy .Now it is time to take care of your eyes to make it feel better.

Eat what is good for your eyes
There are lot varieties of fruits and vegetable which is good for the eyes. And vitamins of C,A and E are the ones the eyes look out for! We can whatever is good for the body is also good for eye. Especially the carrots and greens are very good for the eyes so include them into your daily diet.

Take breaks during your work
Now a days we use the computers more in our daily life which creates a strain to the eyes as we tend to blink 25% less than usual when working at the computer this causes the dryness to the eye and thus creates the strain.
So take breaks when you need to continuously stare at the computer for a longer time. Breaks can be for just 5 minutes and it can give you a quick relaxation to the eye. Look something far away which is greenery and it cools your eye at minutes and remember to blink your eyes to avoid the dryness.

Checkout the lighting
It is most important to checkout the lighting when your are reading or working in your laptop. With poor lighting your eyes is going to strain a lot and you would feel tired soon. Make sure you read in proper lighting.

If you wear contact lenses take extra care
Cleanliness is most important when you handle a contact lens, every time when you put your lenses wash your hands properly with soaps , wipe off and then pick up your lens this has to be followed when you put and take out your lenses. And wear the lenses only for the recommended hours it helps to avoid getting infected.

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