Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

How to change your life and become healthier

Continuing to feel the sensation of flight and remain in a high tone? Stress-free throw extra “pounds and inches?” The recipe is! You just need to make ten changes in the daily diet. The fact is that your body is very sensitive to any major changes of this nature, and will answer thanks to careful attention to it.
So, a list of recommendations:
Reduce to zero the use of energy drinks! It contains a lot of sugar and various synthetic additives.
It’s great to drink juices made ​​at home (only without the sugar), it is best to do it in the evening. In the morning a good choice is the lemon juice with two small spoons of honey.
If you want to lose weight, get in the habit of drinking much more water and green tea, your body should get about two liters of carefully purified water per day. Choose a tea that will be enjoyed.
Discard the white sugar, it is absolutely necessary. It is better to replace it with high-quality honey or unrefined sugar (brown – can be found in dietary food stores).
Reduce intake of coffee, which will bring you in the long run only negative consequences. If you are very fond of coffee and not ready to immediately stop drinking it, it’s better to try to alternate with herbal tea or as an alternative to the natural “energy” drinks.
Reduce to a minimum, and even better in principle remove the menu from foods with labels of dietary supplements E: among them, margarine, sausages, candy and some juices.
Reduce the ingestion of red meat and sausage (pork, beef). It is better to buy more fish and seafood. Prefer white meat varieties, especially chicken and turkey.
Include in the diet wild mushrooms, soy, eggs – all suppliers of high quality protein.
These tips will help you to lose weight, greatly increase overall health, improve the tone.

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