Minggu, 17 Juli 2011

Training and Weight Loss

The task of losing weight – to reduce the weight of fat, not muscle. Accordingly, the task of training in this case will have to enter the body in the mode of fat intake. Because the fat – a reserve of the organism, and the bulk of our energy supply accounts for carbohydrates, the process of training the average intensity of the first 35-45 minutes your body will use mainly carbohydrates, and only then, when the supply will be depleted of carbohydrates, fats become the main energy supplier of working muscles.
Of course, it is impossible to make clear distinctions that at one time used only carbohydrates and fats in the other only. Actually begin to break down fats and from the very beginning of training, but this time their contribution to energy production is so small that it can be safely ignored.
Not many people know that the only long-term moderate-intensity exercise (aerobic exercise), yielding positive results in the fight against excess weight. In order to give the result of aerobic exercise, you must consider and comply with certain rules. The most important thing – is that the body begins to break down fats only after 35-45 minutes of aerobic exercise with an intensity of 65-75% of maximum heart rate.
By the time of inclusion in the process of energy production is reduced fat concentration of glucose in the blood, and at the same time – and insulin, which inhibits the activity of lipases (enzymes that accelerate the breakdown of fats). After that, a lipase begin active work in process and increased the process of fat digestion. If the intensity of the workout will be too high (heart rate too high), then the blood will increase the concentration of lactic acid (anaerobic breakdown of carbohydrates results), which also inhibits the activity of lipase and process of fat digestion respectively.
In summary, as factors that increase fat burning effect of aerobic exercise, you can specify the following:
Training should be conducted on a part-stomach (less available carbohydrate).
Exclusion of carbohydrate intake during exercises.
Longer duration of training (at least 40-50 minutes).
Training intensity at 65-75% of maximum heart rate.
Regularity of exercise (at least three times a week).
A good addition to physical exercise is the use of slimming clothes (shorts, pants, trousers). Wearing pants to lose weight during exercise can improve efficiency by more than 50%. Modern materials from which clothing is made for weight loss help to lose weight in record time without causing injury. The action is based on thermo. When heating the fat cells burn much faster. Also, is making micro massage, which resulting the skin in tone and prevents the formation of stretch marks.

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