Selasa, 14 Desember 2010

Inspiration of the Day - 12/14/10

They say "variety is the spice of life" and they are right. Especially when it comes to training and eating healthy, variety is an important factor. Not only is it good for you to mix up your exercise routines and the foods you eat for health reason, but it is good also to keep you interested in living a fit life. Doing the same work out routines and eating the same "plain Jane" health foods can burn a person out and eventually lead them to giving up on living a healthy lifestyle. 

The good thing is, that there are more fruits and vegetables at our grocery stores then most of us can sit down and name. Not even including our local farmer's markets.  And there are of number of different training regimens to fit your needs to keep you interested in exercising, especially when you see the results. So keep it fresh. Mix it up!


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