Selasa, 21 Desember 2010

Inspiration of the Day - 12/21/10

Time and health are two precious assets that we don't recognize and appreciate until they have been depleted.

~Denis Waitley

I read this quote and thought, "How true this is".  We tell ourselves, "Tomorrow is the day" or "I'll do it next year", when it comes taking care of ourselves and eating healthy.  But really, how many times have you said that, and tomorrow never came or the next year rolled in and you had not stayed committed to your resolution?

As far as time...there are never enough hours in a day. But what's really important? During this Holiday Season I would like to think family and loved ones.  Are we taking time to spend with them or are we letting ourselves get caught up in the Holiday Frenzy?  Remeber the reason for the season is Jesus, but also it's a time to reconnect with those we may have lost contact with. It's a time to slow our lives down and focus in on what matters most. God, family and friends... And take time for yourself.


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