Senin, 28 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/28/11

 It's the end of another month and this year has officially started for those of you that can't believe it's 2011 yet!  Let's start the year off right and put our best foot forward in everything we do and especially this year let's operate in Love!

                    "Love cures people - both the ones
                              who give it and the ones
                                       who receive it."
                                                         - Dr. Karl Menniger

The Bibles greatest commandment is to love God and to love our neighbor. How many of us love God, but aren't very good at loving our neighbors...regardless of if they loves us back or not...?  It's a commandment from the Most High and calls for obedience.  Not only that, I can guarantee you that you will be a happier person for doing it and the rewards you will receive are worth the effort.  And I say effort because I didn't say it was an easy thing to do. 

Keep it on your mind.

Have a good day!


Jumat, 25 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/25/11

This week we talked about breaking down barriers and overcoming obstacles that present themselves in our lives.  Life is not perfect, so we will all continue to face issues.  But the most important thing is how we handle them.  When a problem presents itself what do we do?! And that's what we've talked about all week.  The next step that I want to bring up in this "10 step process", I think, needs two spots for itself.  And it is:

9) & 10) Learn from it!  We always hear, "What doesn't kill you, makes you stronger!", and it's the truth!  Life is one big lesson from beginning to end.  We don't stop learning in our infancy or childhood.  We have to be open to the idea of growing in our adulthood and even in our old age.  The world around us changes all of the time.  Look at the changes from the 60's to the 70's to the 80's and so on...people had to adapt and learn new fashions, new social standards, new "lingo", new music...  So, just on a level of living life we have to constantly learn.  And those that don't are "stuck in the 80's" and never move on to the next level.

The point of learning from the issues that we will deal with in our lives is so when a similar issues arises we can handle it that much easier.  Reason being, we will know how to assess the situation at hand more quickly and know exactly what tools to use and bring to the table to begin busting through the barrier.  Knowledge is the ultimate empowerment, so having the knowledge of how to problem solve in an quick and confident way makes you more powerful. 

You all have the power to break down walls and hurdle obstacles in your paths.  The most important thing you can do is review these steps and incorporate them into your life.  Stand firm and stay strong throughout any struggle, whether on a physical, mental or spiritual level.  So continue to fight and conquer mountains.  Don't get "stuck in the 80's" with your thinking...move on to the next level and turn obstacles into stepping stones!  Take breaking down barriers and dealing with issues as a learning experience.  Gain as much from it as you can, and empower yourself!

Have a good weekend!


Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/24/11

 Facing our fears is one of the toughest things we must do when we are children.  At night when the lights went out we imagined all sorts of boogey monsters and things lurking in the dark ready to "get us".  The first day of school for most children is horrendous.  Or swimming in the "deep end" of the pool is horrifying.  The truth about it is that we, as adults, have trouble facing our fears also.  And not just our fears, but issues that presents themselves to us.  A lot of times we think we can ignore them and they will go away on their own or we will just "come back and deal with them later".  Reality is that problems that we are facing in life never go away unless you deal with them and 9 times out of 10 we do not "come back later" to deal with the issues...we usually let them fester.  How many people, because of fear of the water, still have not learned to swim?  Or how many people do you know that have never learned to swim because of this same issue?

8) Never run away from the problem!  Face your fears and tackle problems head on.  Ignoring a problem will not make it go away.  If there was a mountain in your path and you needed to get over it to make it to your destination, do you think if you ignored it that it would eventually go away and be gone from your path?  It would not!  You could ignore it for the next hour, next day, next week...even the month and year and it would still be sitting there waiting for you to conquer it!  So conquer it today and move on to where you need to be!

More tomorrow!


Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Protein Discovered that Could Help Memory

Ummm, what was I going to write?  Oh ya!  The hunt for a substance that can improve memory took a promising turn, as researchers said they had found a method that appears to reduce forgetting in rats, The Wall Street Journal reported.
According to a study published in the journal Nature, scientists from Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York showed for the first time that a molecule that occurs naturally in the human brain during memory formation appeared to help rats enhance the strength and duration of some types of memories.
Researchers said that when the substance — known as IGF-II, a protein-like molecule important for cell growth and development as well as tissue repair — was blocked from the brain, the rats did not remember what they had learned.
The findings are notable in part because they showed improvement in an area of memory known as declarative memory — the ability to remember places, facts and things. Declarative memory is affected in Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia, and researchers have long sought ways to improve or preserve it.
It is too early to say whether IGF-II will be useful in humans, but the substance may hold more promise than molecules that have been studied up to now, according to Elizabeth Phelps, a cognitive neuroscience at New York University who studies human learning and memory. Phelps, who was not involved in the study, called the Nature research “rigorous” and thoroughly conducted.
One advantage of IGF-II is that it can cross the blood-brain barrier, so it could potentially be administered through the bloodstream or as a vapor through the nose, rather than injected directly into the brain. And because it exists in the body already, it is unlikely to be toxic. It is something new every day but I think this is worth a try!

Inspiration of the Day - 2/23/11

Another step in dealing with problems:

6) Keep it real!!!  When it comes to attacking an obstacle or tackling a problem keeping it real is the best thing we can do.  And you're probably asking yourself, "What does he mean by that?", because we hear it all the time but everyone interprets it differently.  What I mean by that is do not let your ego or pride get in the way when it comes to handling issues!  Your ego will puff you up and your pride will lie to you.

As an the gym a lot of times I see older men that "use to" workout all the time in their 20's and 30's, but now in their 40's or 50's they are finally getting back to exercising.  And they want so desperately to lift the 250 lbs. they were lifting before or squatting the 400 lbs they were squatting before.  Their pride tells them that they can still do it and their ego tells them that they have to look good in front of all the other people inside of the gym and have to keep up with what everyone else is lifting...instead of being realistic and using the proper amount of weight according to their age and recent fitness activity.  End result...they end up with injuries and are worse off then where they were before.  See the lesson?  Which leads into another step in dealing with obstacles is:

7) Be patient!  Nothing is immediately in life unless you win the Lotto.  So be patient.  Because if you rush things, 9 times out of 10 the end result will be disastrous.  You may not see the results you want to see at first, but trust me, in everything you do as long as you are consistent you will have a break through!

More tomorrow!


A Case for Legs, Part 2.

  Last week, I wrote about the importantce of adding a squat variation to your workout routine.  But I wouldn't be doing a blog entitled "A Case for Legs" any justice if I failed to reveal the importance of a deadlift variation to the development of your legs. So here it goes!

  Deadlift's get a bad wrap from the everyday gym go-er.  Most people think it's only for BIG guys, or that it's an exercise that will only hurt their back and leave them paralyzed.  The name DEADLIFT even sounds a lot more intimidating than other exercises like the "sissy squat" or the "chest butterfly" for instance.

  True, you can slip a disc (or worse) if you perform the deadlift with a curved spine; but if you correctly perform a deadlift or any of its variations, there's no better exercise you can do to strengthen your posterior chain .  Here is a list of just some of the benefits of performing a deadlift, outlined by renowned strength coach and competitive powerlifter Eric Cressey in this article.

1.)  "The posterior chain is of paramount importance to high-level performance; watch the best sprinters run, and you’ll see that they seem to just “float”—and it’s because they’re running with their hamstrings and glutes. In contrast, watch a guy who runs with his quads, and you’ll see that his hips are bouncing up and down; there’s a lot of wasted movement. The glutes and hamstrings are all fast-twitch fibers with a lot of strength, speed, and size potential—potential you’ll never realize without deadlift variations."

2.) "Strengthening the posterior chain with closed-chain movements like deadlifts also reduces injury risk. Weak hamstrings are a serious risk factor for anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injuries, patellofemoral pain, and a host of other problems at the knee, hip, ankle, and lower back."

3.) "Deadlifts have a better functional carryover to real world performance than leg curls, glute-blasters, and all the other silly machines out there."

4.)  "Deadlifts can be a tremendously valuable corrective training exercise if coached correctly. I’ve used them in the correction of IT [iliotibial] band friction syndrome, lower back pain, lateral knee pain, groin pain, and a host of other torso and lower extremity problems. The secret rests with the proper execution of the exercise. "

If you are still skeptical, don't be.  Just get out try it and see for yourself. After your done catching your breath, tell me how it went.

If you are nervous about performing the correct technique, stayed tuned for part 3. where I will demostrate how to properly execute a deadlift, and a squat.

Selasa, 22 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/22/11

This week we are focusing on breaking down barriers, and the next step we are focusing on is:

4) Thinking outside of the box!  We as human beings are never satisfied with the size of our living spaces.  We always would like a bigger house.  The first thing celebrities and athletes do when they start making money is buy a larger house...they even buy a house for their moms...and we look at them and wish we could have a larger house also.  The reason being is we do not like being boxed in!  We like room to operate and move around and live in.  Well guess's the same on a mental level also!  Our brains do not like to be boxed in with limited/small thinking so why do it?  Why limit ourselves to a set number of options and solutions when we are  creations of limitless possibilities!  So, when it comes to problem solving, get creative!  Look at the issue from all angles, not just what society says is right or acceptable or what we were taught or what people from our neighborhoods or cities or counties or states or even countries say is right.  Explore all possibilities!  And that leads into my next point...

5) Think bigger!  Once you are outside of the box, the sky is the limit and the problem in front of you is only as big as you make it.  You can choose to make any problem you are facing a big problem or you can choose to make it a small one.  The choice is yours and that's the truth of the matter.  It is what you make of it.  You can either see the obstacle in  your way as a huge stone block that's blocking your path or a stepping stone advancing you on to the next level.  Choose to think big and be a bigger person when it comes to handling issues.  Turn mountains into stepping stones!

More tomorrow!


Senin, 21 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/21/11

We all reach points in our lives where we feel like we're stuck or more accurately that we've "hit a wall".  We wake up every morning and go to work and put all of our efforts into doing the best we can in order to gain a promotion and move up the ranks in the companies we work for.  Or we hit the gym and spend endless hours to reach our fitness goals, but we see little to no results compared to the hours we put in.  Even in relationships we love a person with all of our hearts and yet the love is not returned in the same fashion.  And the universal question we ask ourselves is..."What do we do next?".

This week I want to  focus on barriers and how we break through them.  We may even call them obstacles in the way of our success.  How do we break down these walls or get around the obstacles in our way?

1) The first step is assessing the situation.  Take time to evaluate what it is that's blocking your path.  There are different tools and different methods used to tackling every problem.  Get as much information as you can to formulate a plan of action before taking any steps.  That way you don't bring a pick axe to move a stone mountain or bring a tractor to lift a pebble.  

2) Make a list of pros and cons of ways to handle the problem.  There are always consequences to every action that we take, so keep that in consideration as you are deciding how to deal with any situation.

3) Don't focus on the obstacle in front of you, but focus on the solution that you think is best to resolve the issue and also the goal behind the obstacle.  Don't let what's in front of you consume your vision/thinking.  Always see the end result.   

More tomorrow!


The French diet plan

French Diet Plan
  • The French diet plan will not include the monotonous counting of calories, or carbohydrate and fat grams.
  • Although they proportion their meals much smaller than dieters in the United States, the French are more attentive to the quality of what they eat versus the quantity
  • Part of the French diet plan, aside from smaller portions, is to chew very slowly while savoring each bite full of food.
If you are looking for a diet which includes a sensible balanced plan, The French diet plan may be the one to be considered. For the French, meals are created with fresh, unprocessed foods most likely purchased the same day of preparation. The French diet plan will not include the monotonous counting of calories, or carbohydrate and fat grams. Although they proportion their meals much smaller than dieters in the United States, the French are more attentive to the quality of what they eat versus the quantity.

Since the French are very specific about the quality of their foods, they tend to shop for items as they need them. They don’t make one huge grocery list every week or two to stock up on products they will not use for days. The French will walk to the market on a daily basis, burn some calories when doing so, and purchase quality products including all natural and fresh foods, olive oil, and other healthy ingredients needed for their very next meal. Highly sweetened drinks and junk food is not included in the French diet plan. However, a glass of wine with every meal is totally acceptable.
Balanced Diet Plan 
The French may fill a snack plate with a much smaller portion than the average American would place on a dinner plate. However, the French will take just as long, if not longer, to clear that snack plate. Part of the French diet plan, aside from smaller portions, is to chew very slowly while savoring each bite full of food. Taking the time to relax during their meal, the French slowly enjoy each mouthful of food freshly prepared from natural and healthy ingredients. By doing this, the feeling that there was plenty to eat will come at a quicker pace without overindulgence in more servings than needed. With such a slow pace, the food is metabolized much better than if scarfing it down within a few minutes. The French do not avoid certain foods for fear of weight gain. They incorporate all fresh foods, wine, and plenty of water into their eating plans. Fast food and all you can eat dinner buffets are not part of the plan.

When considering a weight loss program, the choices are endless. Such weight loss plans as the carbohydrate addict diet allows unlimited carbs at only one meal per day. This meal is to last for one hour. With bio availability, extreme carb levels are turned into spiking insulin levels with a toxic effect. The less the bio availability of substances poisonous to the body’s normal functions, the less effect that substance will have. Unlike the carbohydrate addict diet, the French dieting plan allows the carbs at any meal. However, the smaller portions are eaten at a slow relaxing pace and digested efficiently without spiking insulin levels. Eating fruit and even a croissant or pastry is acceptable. The key is unhurriedly eaten smaller portions.

The French do not make an obsession over exercise. However, walking to where they need to go is simply a routine. Their usual active lifestyles along with happy-go-lucky attitudes make for a relaxed mode of living life with happiness. They take time for the enjoyable moments in life, even the meals they eat.

Jumat, 18 Februari 2011

Inspriation of the Day - 2/18/11

This week we've discussed sexual health and how we can improve it, and even make it more enjoyable.  But the most important aspect of sexual health is protection!  I know, again, we've heard this a million times, but if we are practicing sex outside of a monogamous relationship or marriage then we need to protect ourselves from STD's.  We all know what they are and how we get them, so there is no need for further explanation.

There are various forms of protection we can use.  The condom being the most popular and probably the safest.  So, fellas, be responsible and use protection... Ladies, demand it.

In the heat of passion we usually do and say things that we look back on in disbelief, but believe that STD's and STI's are real and they will make your life a living hell.  It's just not worth it. 

Have a good weekend!


Kamis, 17 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/17/11

Aphrodisiacs.  Fact or fiction?  Are they real?  We hear about them all the time, but what's the truth behind the mystery?  Are there really foods that can boost our libido/sex drive and fertility?  The answer is...Yes!  There are really foods that contain certain vitamins and minerals and even smells that effect our bodies and get us aroused.  Aphrodisiacs have been around for thousands of years and they are well documented throughout different cultures to have stimulating effects on our sexual desire.  All foods that we eat have an effect on our bodies, whether positive or negative, but these are some foods that have a direct effect on our sexual desire:

1) Chocolate - And you wonder why us guys give you women chocolate on Valentine's Day?!  Yes, it's an aphrodisiac.  "Pure chocolate contains anandamide which is a chemical that gives the consumer a natural psychoactive good feeling. Perhaps more importantly it contains phenylethylamine (PEA) which is the 'love chemical' that releases dopamine in the brain's pleasure centres and this can peak during orgasm, in addition it induces excitable feelings and stimulates both attraction and euphoria. This is without a doubt top of the list of aphrodisiac foods."

2) Oysters - You may have heard of this one before.  It's actually a popular "myth" that if you eat oysters, you are in for a "good night of passion".  But it is the truth.  "Other than chocolate, oysters are commonly regarded as a very effective aphrodisiac food with them reputedly being responsible for an increase in sexual desire of consumers. They hold a high level of zinc which is known to help produce sperm, increase testosterone and also increase libido in both men and women. A culinary symbol of passion oysters does have proven potency as well as just romantic association. They are believed by many to keep men sexually active well into old age. The aroma of oysters is similar to that of the female pheromone and has been proven to be sexually arousing. They are also a good source of protein and are very healthy."

3) Honey - Honey is not only ingested during sexual activity, but can be used during for "fun".  So I consider this one a double threat.  "Honey is another food that is typically associated with being an aphrodisiac. Honey contains several B vitamins which are required for testosterone. It is also a source of boron which is a mineral trace that assists the body in using and metabolising estrogen which is the female sexual hormone. Studies show that boron can also enhance testosterone levels in the blood, and as we all know testosterone is responsible for sex drive and orgasm in men and also women."

4) Garlic - Yes, garlic! Now, wait a minute! I know it’s stinky, but more importantly it’s strong, which is exactly what it will happen to guys. "Garlic is chockfull of allicin, an ingredient that will increase blood flow. So, whip up an extra-garlicky dish and keep the Altoids handy."

5) Vanilla - The scent and flavor of vanilla is believed to increase lust. "According to the Australian Orchid Society, Old Totonac lore has it that Xanat, the young daughter of the Mexican fertility goddess, loved a Totonac youth. Unable to marry him due to her divine nature, she transformed herself into a plant that would provide pleasure and happiness. Fill tall Champagne glasses to the rim and add a vanilla bean for a heady, bubbly treat."

More tomorrow.


Rabu, 16 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/16/11

Flexibility... How many of us stretch?  How many of us stretch on a daily basis or even a weekly basis...or even a monthly basis?  I'm guessing not many.  We take for granted that we are mobile and agile while we are young, but as we grow older we will feel the consequence of not keeping our bodies limber.  Stretching is good for us for a variety of reasons, but this week we are focusing on sexual health so we will explore this subject in more detail.

Yesterday we talked about "flow"...blood flow to be exact...and how it relates to sex.  Well, another way to improve blood flow throughout our bodies is to incorporate stretching into our daily routines.  Besides relieving stress, stretching also increases muscle flexibility, improves circulation and widens the range of motion in our joints.  So we can see four benefits already and all four are important factors in better sex.  I don't think I have to explain or go into further detail as to why this is. 

A great way to stay limber is by practicing Yoga.  Yoga is a great way to stretch. For thousands of years yoga has been practiced in India and is a hit now in America.  The stretching of the joints, muscles, and tendons through the varied body postures can demonstrate remarkable improvements in our flexibility, blood flow and circulation, and in many, an increase in overall health benefits. Yoga has also been shown to lower blood pressure and pulse rates while increasing energy levels, among many other benefits.  The great thing about stretching is you can also enjoy it in the comfort of your own home or even at work.  Buy a simple stretching guide and follow it's simple routines for better health.  Also, the best time to stretch is when we first wake up and get out of bed.  Our bodies are in their most relaxed state and you can really achieve deep stretches that will keep you loose for the rest of the day.

Don't take for granted this simple, yet potent, art form of fitness.

More tomorrow!


Selasa, 15 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/15/11

Since it's Valentine's week, I thought I might shift to a more adult topic...SEX!  We've all had Sex Education 101 in High School, but I want to go a little deeper into the subject.  There are many health benefits to having sex and there are many ways to make it better.  And the great thing about it is they are all health related!

Sex all starts with flow.  What type of flow you ask?! Blood flow.  When we are aroused there are many things that take place in our bodies.  Hormones begin to ramp up their production, chemical  reactions take place in our brains and most importantly our hearts begin to race.  Why is this so important?  The reason our hearts begin to race and beat so rapidly is because it is supplying extra blood to the areas of arousal in our bodies and also getting our bodies ready for strenuous activity.  It's like that first look when you see someone you are attracted to...and they look...and your eyes lock...your heart begins to race.  Some call it Love at first sight.

If our hearts are "not in the best shape", then we are not supplying the proper amount of blood to our areas of arousal for "maximum effect".  This goes for men and women.  It's important to keep our hearts strong for numerous reasons and sex is a key one.  Sure, people everyday of all shapes and sizes and fitness levels have sex, but what I want to get at is the best sex of your life!  You can experience:  stronger arousal and desire, more sensation during sexual activity, longer lasting...dare I say it...orgasms and even longer lasting intercourse.

So get your heart in shape!  Cardio is king when it comes to this.  Look at hitting the treadmill or going for a jog.  Walking is underrated and a very good form of exercise.  Bike riding will definitely get your heart pumping, whether it's in the gym in a spin class or on the streets.  Even a fast paced strength training routine is good for getting your heart going.

Get your blood flowing and get your sex ramped up!

More tomorrow.


Senin, 14 Februari 2011

A Case for Legs

  I love squats!  Why you ask?  Well honestly, what's not to love?  It's the perfect example of human movement and you do it everyday, just not very well.  Squats are bad becasue when you do them it hurts your knee's and back you say?  Maybe what you call squats is hurting you, becasue the squats I know would never do that to me.  The fact is you will never be a strong as you want to be if your not doing squats.  Simply put, "You ain't squat, unless you squat!"

For those trying to lose weight:

The main objective when you are trying to lose weight is that you want to be able to burn more calories than you take in.  Plain and simple.  You can accomplish this by eating less than your metabolic rate, or you can burn more calories than take in through exercise; or both! 

So when we think about burning the most amount of calories during exercise, we should probably perform exercises that involve multiple, big muscles to burn the most amount of calories right?  Well I don't have any bigger muscle's than the ones that make up my leg, and I can't think or an exercise that uses more muscles than a squat (i.e quad, hamstring, glutes, core, back, arms, chest).

For those trying to gain strength:

I've never seen a weak person perform a back squat, front squat, or goblet squat.  The guys I normally see pumping iron in the squat rack (the thing you use as a coat rack), seem to also have a broad chest, wide shoulders, and strong backs.  Why?  Well it's simple really.

Studies have shown that squats and deadlifts helps your body release more growth hormone and testosterone than any other exercise.  You need these hormones to build muscles.  And when these hormones are released, they aren't just released in your legs, but they circulate to all of your muscles.  So I repeat, " You ain't squat, unless you squat!"

For everyone inbetween:

Squatting really is for everyone.  Let's look at this exercise from an injury prevention standpoint.  Strengthening the muscles around your hips and knee help make those joints more stable.  How many of you know and elder person in your own family that has had total knee replacements, balance issues, flexibilty issues, and so on.  Hell, this person may not even be that old.  So wouldn't you like to avoid these future problems?  Of course you do.  That's why you need to start squatting today. 

For you runner's, cyclists, and weekend warriors, you can improve your stride length, rpm's, and avoid self medicating those aches and pain's that can only be described as "life pains"  by devoting a little more time to the main muscle groups you use everyday.

Well I'm glad I've finally convinced you.  Now if I could only convince you to start doing DEADLIFT'S, we'd really be getting somewhere.

Inspiration of the Day - 2/14/11

 Happy Valentine's Day!!!

 Today is a day of Love... so Love and be Loved.  And if there is no one special in your life, at the moment for you to share your Love with, then prepare yourself now for the day that they do come into it.  Be ready for the opportunity instead of missing it when it comes around.  And ALWAYS keep your heart open...ALWAYS Love boldly...a closed heart will never receive Love!  Don't put so many locks on the door that when Love does come knocking that it's hard to open...Love is patient but it does not wait around forever!

Cherish Love... Kiss slowly, Love and live boldly, touch gently and let understanding be your guidance.

Have a Lovely day!


Minggu, 13 Februari 2011

13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life ( Habit No. 13)

Healthy Habit No. 13: Plan

There is, perhaps, no better word in the English language to better illustrate how you can incorporate healthy habits into your everyday life.
"A little planning goes a long way," says Johnson. "Eating healthy never happens by accident."
For the most part, neither do good fitness, skin protection, healthy teeth, weight loss, and social ties. Many of these habits take effort that need to be scheduled into busy lives.
To eat healthy, for example, it would help to set aside time to draft a menu, make a grocery list, go to the store, prepare meals, and pack breakfast and lunch.


13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life ( Habit No. 12)

Healthy Habit No. 12: Take a Daily Walk

We already mentioned the merits of exercise in habit No. 5. Now, here's a tip on how to incorporate physical activity into your daily life: WALK.
We're not talking about taking the time out of your busy schedule to work out -- that's important, too -- but infusing life- and limb-saving movement into your waking hours.
"Just move. Pace during phone calls, while you're brushing your teeth, while watching your son's soccer game," says Bryant, noting that every 20 steps a person takes is 1 calorie burned.
An eight-year study of 13,000 people also showed that people who walked 30 minutes daily had a significantly reduced chance of premature death compared with those who rarely exercised, reports the American Council on Exercise.
And there are plenty of opportunities to move those legs:
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator.
  • Walk to the store.
  • Window shop at the mall.
  • Leave your desk and visit your co-worker instead of sending him an email.
  • Walk and talk with friends instead of meeting for a meal.

13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life ( Habit No. 11)

Healthy Habit No. 11: Drink Tea

"Decaffeinated tea is better," says Fleming, noting that the caffeinated variety can be dehydrating, and sugary drinks can lead to weight gain.
There is some evidence that tea may help in improving memory, and preventing cavities, cancer, and heart disease. Fleming says, though, that the overall research is still inconclusive.
"There may well be some beneficial effects of tea, particularly the potential antioxidant effect, but we don't have great data on that right now that is that specific."
However, there's no doubt that a cool iced tea can be a refreshing treat during hot days. Try flavoring your tea with juices, fruits, cinnamon sticks, ginger, and other condiments.


13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life ( Habit No. 10)

Healthy Habit No. 10: Drink Water and Eat Dairy

Water and milk are essential fluids for good health, but they can also help with shedding pounds.

The body needs water to keep properly hydrated and individuals vary widely in how much water they need. Joints need it to stay in motion, and vital organs such as the heart, brain, kidney, and liver need it to work properly.
If you don't get enough water, the body goes into emergency mode, and clings to every single water molecule it can find, reports the University of Minnesota Water Resources Center. The stored molecules appear as extra weight. The weight is only released once the body gets enough water.
The calcium in dairy, on the other hand, is known to be important for strong bones and teeth. Studies have also shown it can help prevent high blood pressure, kidney stones, heart disease, and colon cancer.
In the weight loss arena, three 8-ounce glasses of low-fat or fat-free milk appear to encourage body fat loss while maintaining muscle mass, according to the ADA. The dairy consumption must be part of a balanced reduced-calorie meal plan.


13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life ( Habit No. 9)

Healthy Habit No. 9: Snack the Healthy Way

The ADA recommends five or more servings of fruits and vegetables a day as part of a healthy diet. These plant foods can do many things to boost good health, including:
  • Reduce the risk of some cancers
  • Beat the signs of aging
  • Improve memory
  • Promote heart health
  • Enhance the immune system
One way to incorporate fruits and veggies into your diet is to have them as snacks. "If you can do one thing [to improve your health], concentrate on getting fruits and veggies," says Johnson. "They are low in calories and high in nutrients."
She says baby carrots and cut-up produce make tasty, convenient munchies. Other healthful snacks include low-fat yogurt and nuts (in moderation).
The best time to snack is when you are hungry between meals, says Johnson. But beware: Cravings could easily be mistaken for hunger cues, especially for people who are dieting.

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13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life ( Habit No. 8)

Healthy Habit No. 8: Protect Your Skin

Our skin starts to age as soon as we are born and, according to the American Academy of Dermatology (AAD), the best way to protect it and look younger is to stay out of the sun.
The sun has harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays that can cause wrinkles, dryness, and age spots. Overexposure can cause sunburn, skin texture changes, dilated blood vessels, and skin cancers.
Avoiding the sun, however, is not always ideal or practical. To reduce the risk of skin damage, the AAD offers the following tips:
  • Always wear sunscreen with SPF 15 or higher.
  • Don a hat with a brim and wear other protective clothing.
  • Don't deliberately sunbathe.
  • Try to avoid sun exposure between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.

13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life ( Habit No. 7)

Healthy Habit No. 7: Take Up a Hobby

Look up the word "hobby" in the Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary, and you will find the definition as "a pursuit outside one's regular occupation engaged in especially for relaxation."
Since they are relaxing activities, hobbies are usually enjoyable. Some people find joy in craftwork, bird watching, sports, going to flea markets, walking in the park, or playing cards.
The joy may help people live healthier and recover better from illness. For one thing, taking part in hobbies can burn calories, more so than just sitting in front of the TV.
In a study of people who had undergone surgery, Jenkins found that people who were involved in hobbies before their operation had better recovery six months later, compared with people who did not have hobbies.
The participants with hobbies tended to have more drive and interest in things and other people, says Jenkins. "It was a more active orientation to life."


13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life ( Habit No. 6)

Healthy Habit No. 6: Practice Good Dental Hygiene

Flossing your teeth every day could add 6.4 years to your life, according to Michael Roizen, MD, author of RealAge. In his book, Roizen lists flossing as one of the most important daily activities -- along with exercise and quitting smoking -- that could extend life span.
Roizen's calculation may raise some eyebrows, but the idea that oral health is connected to overall health isn't far-fetched.
The mouth, after all, is an integral part of the body. "Teeth have a blood supply, and that blood supply comes from the heart," says Richard Price, DMD, consumer advisor for the American Dental Association (ADA).
Researchers suspect that the bacteria that produce dental plaque enter the bloodstream. They say these bacteria are somehow associated with the inflammation that occurs with plaque that blocks blood vessels and causes heart disease.
Other researchers have found links between oral bacteria and stroke, diabetes, and the birth of preterm babies and those that have low birth weight.
In addition to preventing disease, flossing and brushing can help keep your pearly whites intact for more than just cosmetic reasons. Teeth help you chew food, speak properly, and smile -- which, according to Price, can help you keep your dignity.

13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life ( Habit No. 5)

Healthy Habit No. 5: Exercise for Better Health

We already know that physical activity has a bounty of benefits, which makes it so puzzling why so many people just don't do it. According to the CDC, more than 60% of Americans do not get regular exercise.
In case you needed an incentive, here is a review of the advantages of exercise, per the National Cancer Institute:
  • Helps control weight
  • Maintains healthy bones, muscles, and joints
  • Reduces risk of developing high blood pressure and diabetes
  • Promotes psychological well-being
  • Reduces risk of death from heart disease
  • Reduces risk of premature death
Studies have also shown a link between exercise and a reduced risk of certain cancers.
Besides its long-term effects, moving your body has immediate benefits, says Cedric Bryant, chief exercise physiologist for the American Council on Exercise. The short-term results of exercise include helping people to think and move better, manage stress, improve mood, and get an energy boost.
The excuses that people often give to not exercise are the precise reasons to exercise, says Bryant. People who say they are too tired or don't have time to workout don't realize that exercise gives people more energy and allows them to be more productive with the rest of their time.


13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life ( Habit No. 4)

Healthy Habit No. 4: Make Social Connections

Volunteer. Go to church. Join a club. Whatever you do, do it with people. Communal activities are good for your physical and mental health, according to a study published in the March/April 2004 issue of the American Journal of Health Behavior.
It makes sense, says C. David Jenkins, PhD, author of Building Better Health: A Handbook of Behavioral Change. He says social ties have many benefits, including:
  • Providing information. You may think for instance your frequent nosebleeds, coughing, and sneezing episodes are trivial, but when a close friend or relative hears of it, he or she may encourage you to go to a doctor. If the symptoms turn out to be a serious condition, the social tie could have saved your life.
  • Instrumental help. Friends and family can provide physical support in time of need. They may help with cooking, cleaning, running errands, doing grocery shopping, and driving to the doctor's office.
  • Emotional support. Sharing a problem with a trusted person can help alleviate an internal burden. "It's a load off your chest," says Jenkins.
  • Offering a sense of belonging. This feeling not only helps reinforce a person's identity, it also assists in preventing and overcoming depression and anxiety.
Community ties also help improve mental functioning, says Fleming. Group activities can help keep the mind active and maintain desirable levels of serotonin -- the brain chemical associated with mood. "Lack of social interaction will [decrease] serotonin levels," says Fleming.


13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life ( Habit No.3)

Healthy Habit No. 3: Get Enough Sleep

"Your body has to have enough time to rest," says Michael Fleming, MD, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP). Otherwise, he says you may find yourself feeling cranky and tired.
This may sound like common sense, but according to the National Sleep Foundation (NSF), more than two-thirds of older adults suffer from sleep problems and many American adults don't get the minimum amount of shuteye needed to stay alert.
Sleep is vital to good health and to mental and emotional well-being. The NSF reports that people who don't get enough slumber are more likely than others to develop psychiatric problems and to use health care services. Plus, sleep deprivation can negatively affect memory, learning, and logical reasoning.
Not enough ZZZs can also be hazardous. More than one-half of adult drivers -- some 100 million people -- say they have driven drowsy in the past year, according to NSF polls. About one out of five of these drivers -- 32 million people -- say they've fallen asleep while driving.
Each year drowsy driving causes more than 100,000 car crashes, 1,500 deaths, and tens of thousands of injuries, reports the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. The NSF recommends taking a 15 to 20 minute nap. Because it takes about 30 minutes for the caffeine to work, taking a nap while you wait for the caffeine to kick in can help restore alertness.
To avoid the pitfalls of insufficient sleep, make sure to get at least seven to 10 hours of slumber each night. Kids need more sleep, depending on their age.

Jumat, 11 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/11/11

So you toss and turn, then you wake up in the morning with little sleep and your back is aching.  You sum it up to be "a bad night" and the back pain you're experiencing to you sleeping in the wrong position.  Then you look in the mirror and "Gasp!", there's a big red zit in the middle of your forehead!  Well...guess's all stress related!  When we stress we don't sleep.  Your mind races with all of the days events and/or the person(s) that is causing your issues and, "says James Maas, Ph.D., author of Power Sleep, 'That lack of shut-eye, in turn, makes you irritable and anxious, decreases your ability to fight infection, and impairs your ability to concentrate.' Sleep problems also create a vicious circle: Once you're sleep deprived, your threshold for dealing with everyday problems is even lower -- keeping you stressed out and making it more difficult to sleep the following night."  The back pain we already know is stressed related (we talked about that yesterday), not sleep position related.

And the big red zit?!  Yup...stress related also.  " 'Stress can affect the levels of the male-like hormone called androgen in the body, which trigger the sebaceous glands to produce more oil, leading to clogged pores and pimples,' says Diane Berson, M.D., an assistant professor of dermatology at Weill Medical College of Cornell University, in New York City. Stress also stimulates the skin's nerve endings, causing flare-ups of skin conditions ranging from eczema to psoriasis. Even cold sores can be blamed on too much tension. 'Stress wears down your immune system, enabling the viruses that cause these sores to reactivate,' says Rena Fortier, M.D., a dermatologist with Long Ridge Dermatology, in Stamford, Connecticut."  It's like the night before the "big dance" or "photo day" and we wake up in the morning to find that huge red zit planted right smack in the middle of our faces.  Reason why...because we were worried about how the dance might go or how well the photo is going to come out.  But just like how now we can look back on those things and see them as trivial and minor, we can do the same with the everyday events in our lives and the people that bug us if we choose to.  Life is a choice, right?

Have a good weekend!


13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life ( Habit No.2)

Healthy Habit No. 2: Add Fish and Omega-3 Fatty Acids to Your Diet

The AHA recommends a serving of fish two times per week.
Besides being a good source of protein and a food relatively low in the bad type of dietary fat called saturated fat, fish has omega-3 fatty acids -- which have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease.

Fatty fish such as mackerel, lake trout, herring, sardines, albacore tuna, and salmon, are rich in two kinds of omega-3 fatty acids: eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA).
Foods such as tofu, soybeans, canola, walnuts, flaxseed, and their oils contain alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which convert to omega-3 in the body. Even though the benefits of ALA are controversial, the AHA still recommends foods containing it as part of a healthy diet.
In addition to their heart-health benefits, there is some evidence that omega-3 fatty acids may also soothe an overactive immune system, says Johnson. Even though this benefit is still being studied, she says there appears to be a link between getting more omega-3s in your diet and reducing allergies, asthma, eczema, and autoimmune disorders.

13 Healthy Habits to Improve Your Life ( Habit No. 1)

Healthy Habit No. 1: Eat Breakfast Every Morning

Breakfast eaters are champions of good health. Research shows people who have a morning meal tend to take in more vitamins and minerals, and less fat and cholesterol. The result is often a leaner body, lower cholesterol count, and less chance of overeating.
"That one act [of eating breakfast] seems to make a difference in people's overall weight," says Melinda Johnson, RD, a spokeswoman for the American Dietetic Association (ADA). She says breakfast can hold off hunger pangs until lunchtime and make high-calorie vending machine options less enticing.
Not only that, researchers at the 2003 American Heart Association conference reported that breakfast eaters are significantly less likely to be obese and get diabetes compared with nonbreakfast eaters.
Another study in the International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition showed that people who consumed breakfast cereal every day reported feeling better both physically and mentally than those who rarely ate cereal in the morning.
For kids, breakfast appears to enhance alertness, attention, and performance on standardized achievement tests, reports the ADA.
To get the full benefits of breakfast, the Mayo Clinic recommends a meal with carbohydrates, protein, and a small amount of fat. They say that because no single food gives you all of the nutrients you need, eating a variety of foods is essential to good health.
Yet, even with so much scientific support that breakfast does the body good; many people still make excuses not to eat in the morning. They include not having enough time and not feeling hungry. For these people, Johnson suggests tailoring breakfast to the day.
"When I'm getting ready in the morning, I don't really want to take the time to eat breakfast because that would mean sacrificing sleep," says Johnson. "So I bring my breakfast with me, and I know I have an hour when I'm reading emails in the office when I can eat it. By that time, I'm hungry because I've been up for almost a couple of hours."

Kamis, 10 Februari 2011

Inspriation of the Day - 2/10/11

Ladies...after a long day at work, what's the one thing that you crave more than anything?  A back rub right?!  When your husband/boyfriend comes home what's the first thing you ask..."Honey, can I get a back rub?".  Well there's reasoning behind it!  You spend all day at work dealing with your boss and other job related issues and you get fed up with having to hear about deadlines and corporate procedures!   ' "Tension triggers the sympathetic nervous system to reduce blood flow to the muscles, which makes them prone to spasms,' says Douglas Johnson, M.D., coauthor of Back Sense. To make matters worse, people tend to hunch over and tense their shoulder and neck muscles when they're anxious -- exacerbating back problems."  And it's the same with men.  We all do it.  When we get stressed, so does our back.

The best thing you can do is: 1) Relax and breathe...get the tension out of your body. 2) Give a self-massage, rubbing your shoulders, neck and traps will help to relax you and relieve tension. 3) Stretch! Stretch your back...get up away from your desk and stretch your legs also.  Walk around a little bit and inhale some fresh air! 4) Did I mention BREATHE?!  5) Go to the spa and have a relaxing day and massage.  If your significant other can do it, great, even better!  Spend some QT together.  That'll relieve some stress!

More tomorrow.


Rabu, 09 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/9/11

Ever feel stressed to the point to where your stomach feels likes it's turning inside out and your digestive acids are eating away at your insides? really is happening! "'Anxiety and stress can cause the body to produce more digestive acid, which leads to heartburn. They can also slow the emptying of food from the stomach, which causes gas and bloating, and may even increase the number of times your colon contracts, leading to cramping and diarrhea,' explains Deborah Rhodes, M.D., a consultant in internal medicine at Mayo Medical School, in Rochester, Minnesota."

Stress has a huge impact on our body and the way it operates.  To put it simply...we were not made to worry!  It a reflex mechanism telling us, "Hey!  Calm down and chill out!  It's not that serious!".  And if we don't listen there are serious consequences for not doing so.  So like they say, "Take a chill pill" and try to relax.  Don't let stress rule you.  Don't let anything ruin your day!  Remember, you are in control.  Everything is a choice and the choice is yours to let it eat at you (like your stomach acids) or let it go!

More tomorrow.


Selasa, 08 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/8/11

Why does it seem that we come down with a cold every time we have a bad week at work or a really big presentation that could determine our future with the company? It isn't just our imagination: Stress suppresses the immune system, making it easier for us to get sick. "In a study at Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh, researchers surveyed volunteers about what was going on in their lives, and then infected them with a cold virus. The men and women coping with stresses ranging from a bad marriage to unemployment were twice as likely to get sick as those with fewer problems".

When we're stressed, our hormones set off a series of neurochemical events in our brains that stimulates our nerves and causes our blood vessels to swell. The result: tension headaches and migraines. There are ways to cope, however. We can practice relaxation and stress-management techniques to cut the number of headaches we have by as much as 35 to 50 percent, such as Yoga and just simply BREATHING!  As simple as it is we all forgot to do it sometimes.  Ever catch yourself holding your breath and not knowing when or why it started?  Well, consciously take time to take in deep breath, in through your nose and exhale slowly through your mouth.  We actually release the most stress from our bodies by exhaling through our mouths.

More tomorrow.


Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/7/11

The ingredients of health and long life, are great temperance, open air, easy labor, and little care.
Sir Philip Sidney

Stress...we all do it. 

Everyday we are going to run into someone or be put into a situation that's going to stress us out.  Driving in the car to go to work on the freeway, people are either driving crazy and too fast or you are the one driving crazy stressed because people are driving too slow.  Getting the kids ready for school in the morning having to cook breakfast, get them dressed and out the door on time is a chore.  At work there are deadlines and office politics to deal with.  In some form or fashion stress is going to try and creep into our daily lives. 

It's to the extent that we do it and the way we deal with it that makes a huge difference on the effect it has on our bodies AND minds.  Too much stress will put our nervous systems in a wreck and literally make us sick.  The saying is true...when we tell someone, "You make me sick", they can and will if we let them stress us to that point.  Our body will release negative hormones and chemicals that will make us ill and put our nervous systems on edge.

Sir Philip Sidney had the right idea on the keys to health and long life, because he was right on track with having great temperance, open air, easy labor and little care...which basically means...DON'T STRESS!

But more tomorrow on the effects of stress.


Jumat, 04 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day- 2/4/11

The last tip of the week on healthy eating is...GO BROWN!  I know you may have heard this before, but in the food world brown is better.  Instead of having white bread or white rice or white sugar, have bread made from whole wheat/rolled oats/bran and brown rice and brown sugar.  These are all lower glycemic carbohydrates that will keep your blood sugar levels steady and keep you fuller throughout the day.  Also, GO COLORFUL!  When it comes to fruits and vegetables, especially vegetables, the more color the better.  Instead of buying ice berg lettuce at the grocery store, buy spinach.  Spinach is a dark green leafy vegetables with plenty of nutrients and lots of iron.  So keep these two things in mind when you are shopping.

We've talked about the importance of food and where it ranks in the scheme of physical fitness.  And the conclusion is that food reigns as King in the fitness world.  Undisputed champ.  What goes into our bodies will show on the outside as a testament to our eating habits.  We can spends endless hours in the gym on cardio machines, doing strength training and weights, but if we are not eating properly we will reverse all of the hard work we put in and take ourselves backwards past the point we were.

So, if 80% of my physical fitness is found in a fork, a spoon and a knife...and lifting those utensils to my mouth with the right type of foods.  I'd rather be working harder at doing that, then putting all of my effort into something that only accounts for 20% of my results.  Wouldn't you?

Have a good weekend!


Kamis, 03 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/3/11

 I can't stress enough how important having breakfast in the morning is.  Our metabolism depends on it to get going for the day.  And not just our metabolism, but US.  Ever feel tired around 2 PM?  You're sitting at're getting off at 5...but then around 2, you just crash... That's most likely due to not eating breakfast or not eating a big enough and/or balanced breakfast.  It's like a car sputtering when it's on the freeway and about to run out of gas.  Our bodies run at a million miles an hour!  The meals we eat later in the day will not digest fast enough to keep us running past 2 o'clock.

Also, like it was stated yesterday, we need to be eating frequently throughout the day.  Breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, dinner and a snack.  Breakfast, lunch and dinner are easy enough to manage.  But where we normally fail is at having snacks throughout the day.  A lot of times we get lost when it comes to what to eat for a snack.  Good snacks can be:  almonds, peanut butter and celery, trail mix, protein shakes, yogurt, fruits (apples, bananas, berries, oranges) and vegetables (spinach, broccoli, yams, carrots), a quick bowl of oatmeal.  These are examples of quick, easy and healthy snacks we can have throughout the day.

Our metabolism is like a fire, and in order for it to keep burning it needs to be fed before it consumes it's fuel source and burns out.

So let's keep some logs on the fire and burning throughout the day!

More tomorrow.


Rabu, 02 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/2/11

 We have the misconception that we have to exercise in order to be living a healthy lifestyle.  When again, like I stated yesterday, food is 80% of the equation of being healthy.  And a lot of times we do not want to eat healthy because we do not see the benefits of doing so if we are not working our bodies.  Well...let's throw these misconceptions out the window and start anew.

We talked about cutting dairy and bread out of our diets yesterday.  Today, let's focus on portion control and how many meals we eat a day.

When I tell people this, the usual response is shock and their eyes bulging out of their sockets.  But on a daily basis we should be eating every 2.5-3 hours.  And yes that may sound shocking, because if we are awake for 16-18 hours that comes out to 5-6 meals a day!  That may sound like a lot, but the key here is portion control.  The meals you have should only be about the size of your palm.  No bigger, no smaller.  

Also, breakfast is the most important meal of the day and the only large meal of the day that you should be having.  Dinner should NOT be the largest meal that you have.  Breakfast is what gets your metabolism started for the wouldn't wake up in the morning and try to start your car without gas in the tank, right? You always make sure and know there is fuel in your car for your motor to run.  It's the same with your metabolism.

More tomorrow.


Thai Red Curry With Tofu & Vegetables

Thai curries are famous for their distinct flavors and the coconut base. And I love the fact that you can create beautiful variations by using different types of curry pastes or spice blends to make a red, green or yellow curry. This Friday night, we experimented with the Thai Red Curry made with Tofu and vegetables. What better way to get some protein, vitamins and loads of nutritious juices into our system than make a fulfilling curry! The best part, it was so easy to make, did not need much preparation, as we used a ready-made paste, and it tasted great with hot Jasmine Rice. Perfect for Vegans too! Flavored with lemongrass, basil, kafir leaves and laden with veggies, tofu and bamboo shoots, this Thai Red Curry is surely something that will please your palates!

Adapted from original recipe over at Epicurious

1 medium onion, halved lengthwise, then thinly sliced crosswise
1 tablespoon vegetable oil
1 large garlic clove, chopped
2 teaspoons bottled Asian red-curry paste such as Thai Kitchen brand
1 (14-oz) can unsweetened coconut milk (not low-fat)
1 teaspoon salt
1 (1-lb) package frozen mixed vegetables such as broccoli, corn, and red peppers
1 (14- to 16-oz) block firm tofu, rinsed, patted dry, and cut into 1/2-inch cubes
1 tablespoon Asian fish sauce (optional, omit for vegetarians)
1/4 cups water

Cook the onion in oil in a wide 4-quart heavy pot over moderately high heat, stirring occasionally, until pale golden, about 3 minutes. Reduce heat to moderate, then add garlic and curry paste and cook, stirring, 1 minute.

Stir in coconut milk, salt, and remaining 1/4 cup water and bring to a boil. Stir in vegetables and return to a boil. Cover pot, then reduce heat and cook at a brisk simmer, stirring occasionally, 2 minutes. Gently stir in tofu and simmer curry, partially covered, until vegetables are tender, 7 to 8 minutes.

Remove pot from heat and stir in fish sauce and salt to taste.

To make Jasmine Rice, rinse rice briefly in a sieve and drain, shaking sieve to remove excess water. Bring rice and 1 1/2 cups water to a boil in a 1 1/2- to 2-quart heavy saucepan over high heat, then cover pan with a tight-fitting lid and cook rice over low heat until water is absorbed and rice is tender, about 15 minutes.

Transfer the delicious Thai Red Curry with Tofu in a serving bowl, garnish with some basil and lime wedges, and serve hot with Jasmine Rice.

Need more Thai inspiration? Then check out these basic Thai sauce recipes and Thai Pineapple Fried Rice recipe

Selasa, 01 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/1/11

Food is 80% of the equation of physical fitness.  80 PERCENT!!! That's a lot!

What you eat and how many times you eat throughout the day are two important factors when it comes to food.  First of all, you do not want to be eating any dairy products.  Substitute dairy milk with almond milk, rice milk, soy milk or coconut milk.  And as much as we love it, cut out cheese also.  Too much cheese is bad for your system.  So, if you can't resist and you are going to have it, have it in moderation.  Also, as hard as this may be, cut out bread from you diet.  But again, if you can not resist from have toast in the morning or making a nice turkey, lettuce and tomato sandwich, use whole wheat/grain bread and not white bread.

More tips tomorrow!