Rabu, 23 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/23/11

Another step in dealing with problems:

6) Keep it real!!!  When it comes to attacking an obstacle or tackling a problem keeping it real is the best thing we can do.  And you're probably asking yourself, "What does he mean by that?", because we hear it all the time but everyone interprets it differently.  What I mean by that is do not let your ego or pride get in the way when it comes to handling issues!  Your ego will puff you up and your pride will lie to you.

As an example...in the gym a lot of times I see older men that "use to" workout all the time in their 20's and 30's, but now in their 40's or 50's they are finally getting back to exercising.  And they want so desperately to lift the 250 lbs. they were lifting before or squatting the 400 lbs they were squatting before.  Their pride tells them that they can still do it and their ego tells them that they have to look good in front of all the other people inside of the gym and have to keep up with what everyone else is lifting...instead of being realistic and using the proper amount of weight according to their age and recent fitness activity.  End result...they end up with injuries and are worse off then where they were before.  See the lesson?  Which leads into another step in dealing with obstacles is:

7) Be patient!  Nothing is immediately in life unless you win the Lotto.  So be patient.  Because if you rush things, 9 times out of 10 the end result will be disastrous.  You may not see the results you want to see at first, but trust me, in everything you do as long as you are consistent you will have a break through!

More tomorrow!


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