Kamis, 24 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/24/11

 Facing our fears is one of the toughest things we must do when we are children.  At night when the lights went out we imagined all sorts of boogey monsters and things lurking in the dark ready to "get us".  The first day of school for most children is horrendous.  Or swimming in the "deep end" of the pool is horrifying.  The truth about it is that we, as adults, have trouble facing our fears also.  And not just our fears, but issues that presents themselves to us.  A lot of times we think we can ignore them and they will go away on their own or we will just "come back and deal with them later".  Reality is that problems that we are facing in life never go away unless you deal with them and 9 times out of 10 we do not "come back later" to deal with the issues...we usually let them fester.  How many people, because of fear of the water, still have not learned to swim?  Or how many people do you know that have never learned to swim because of this same issue?

8) Never run away from the problem!  Face your fears and tackle problems head on.  Ignoring a problem will not make it go away.  If there was a mountain in your path and you needed to get over it to make it to your destination, do you think if you ignored it that it would eventually go away and be gone from your path?  It would not!  You could ignore it for the next hour, next day, next week...even the month and year and it would still be sitting there waiting for you to conquer it!  So conquer it today and move on to where you need to be!

More tomorrow!


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