Senin, 07 Februari 2011

Inspiration of the Day - 2/7/11

The ingredients of health and long life, are great temperance, open air, easy labor, and little care.
Sir Philip Sidney

Stress...we all do it. 

Everyday we are going to run into someone or be put into a situation that's going to stress us out.  Driving in the car to go to work on the freeway, people are either driving crazy and too fast or you are the one driving crazy stressed because people are driving too slow.  Getting the kids ready for school in the morning having to cook breakfast, get them dressed and out the door on time is a chore.  At work there are deadlines and office politics to deal with.  In some form or fashion stress is going to try and creep into our daily lives. 

It's to the extent that we do it and the way we deal with it that makes a huge difference on the effect it has on our bodies AND minds.  Too much stress will put our nervous systems in a wreck and literally make us sick.  The saying is true...when we tell someone, "You make me sick", they can and will if we let them stress us to that point.  Our body will release negative hormones and chemicals that will make us ill and put our nervous systems on edge.

Sir Philip Sidney had the right idea on the keys to health and long life, because he was right on track with having great temperance, open air, easy labor and little care...which basically means...DON'T STRESS!

But more tomorrow on the effects of stress.


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